Sunday, January 27, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 27 - January Flashback...2006

P365 - 2013 - Day 27 - January Flashback....2006

Today was a quiet Sunday - lots of reading, video games, a yummy dinner, and time just hanging together inside while it was cold outside.  A perfect day to start my new flashback segment of P365 - This year as part of Project 365, I want to try to add a flashback picture every month.  Today is January Flashback and we are flashing back to 2006.  This picture and this moment have always been a favorite of mine.  I remember this like it really did happen today and not 7 years ago.... I was cooking dinner and The Boy was playing in his high chair.  He wanted my attention, but as I said I was cooking was that time of day in a house where I had two 3 year olds and an 8 month old.  I am sure that I was talking to The Boy telling him that I would get him as soon as I was done...when to the rescue came his big sister - The Princess.  She suggested that she help him "shake his sillies out".  Let me explain- that was a game I would play with the kids when I needed them to settled down to do something.  We would get silly and then slowly shake the sillies out of our bodies.  The 'little mommy" as we have called The Princess many times over the years, saw an opportunity to do what I do.  So she sat in front of The Boy and helped him "shake his sillies out".  It was precious.  I will never forget it and I am so glad that I got a picture of it.  xo 

* What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce. - Karl Lagerfeld*

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