Tuesday, April 2, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 92 - the "4's"

P365 - 2013 - Day 92 - the "4's"

So if one year for a dog is like seven years for a human... than at just over 8 months does that make The Pooch about four years old?  I recall that stage with my children and wonder if we haven't entered the "4's" again.  With human children at four, they have a good grasp of language, both expressive and receptive and yet there are times when what you are saying to them must surely be in a foreign tongue or an octave not perceivable by four year old ears.  Dogs at this stage seem to have the same issue.  With human children at four, sometimes their desires win out over common sense or standing house rules.  Sometimes external forces completely out of their control compel them to do things they know they should not do.  Not only that, they are wise enough at four to sometimes be sneaky about it.  Dogs at this stage are very similar.  Sometimes "the devil makes them do it" and The Pooch can be very stealth and ninja like when doing something he knows he should not do.  Children at four are almost intrinsically aware of when they have jumped all over your very last nerve for the day and that is when they curl up in your lap and remind you of why you love them.  Dogs at this stage do the same thing.  Since we survived "the 4's" with three children we should be old hands at this and should be able to deal with it from The Pooch. 

*The prime purpose of being four is to enjoy being four.... --Jim Trelease*

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