Monday, April 15, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 105 - this April day

P365 - 2013 - Day 105 - this April day

This is what April looks like in this house.  My Wonderful Husband is so busy in April.  With the end of the spring semester fast approaching there is a lot of grading and class prep, throw in taxes, and coaching two soccer teams.  It can be a stressful month - he spends a lot of time on the couch with his computer and many sleepless nights trying to fit it all in.  But here's the thing, he does fit it all in.  He works so hard.  He is exhausted and sometimes - yes  grouchy - but he gets it all done.  Sometimes it feels like this month will never end, but it always does and with it comes the end the semester and the reward of summer. 
Today My Wonderful Husband rushed home from work for a fast dinner with the family before rushing off to coach soccer practice for The Boy's team.  But this "typical April day" brought with it a tragedy in the world - a bombing at the Boston Marathon.  When something so senseless and devastating happens it really puts your everyday trials into perspective.  So while this picture is our typical April, this April day our hearts and thoughts are with those people in Boston whose lives were affected by an act of violence and who may never experience a typical April day again.

*Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. - Martin Luther King Jr.*

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