This morning in the moments before leaving the house for school (the usual moment for dropping bombs on me) The Bear informed me that he "had a hole in his shoe". I stop, keys in hand, and ask for clarification on that statement. *Kaboom* "I have a really bad hole in my shoe." he says. I ask to see it and this is what I see - a hole clear through the bottom of his shoe - his only shoe. Are you serious? At this point, I am beyond annoyed. How long have you been walking around with a hole in your shoe? My question is multifaceted - as I am genuinely curious how long one can walk around on a shoe with a hole all the way through it, I am baffled by the fact that he didn't feel that this tidbit was important enough to share with me, and I am equal parts annoyed with myself for not noticing the hole in the shoe of my first born child. All of this before 8:40 am. Then I had to frantically try to find him another shoe to wear - it's a good thing that he wears basically the same size as his father and there were a pair of shoes that he could wear. The annoyed mother voice in my head thought about suggesting one more day in the holey shoes since they didn't bother him before... but I shook that thought off..but that annoyed voice was persistent - it even sarcastically suggested he go barefoot (all in my head of course. I was annoyed alright? sue me) Once the crisis was averted, I loaded all of the kids in the car, drove them to school, came home, and texted My Wonderful Husband the bomb so he could share in my annoyance. "Another pair of shoes bite the dust." - these poor "soles" were only 3 months old- if that. The story ends with a new pair of shoes for The Bear and The Boy as well since he has been bugging us for weeks and the last thing I want is another child to come to me at 8:30 am with a hole straight through his shoe. We preempted that bomb.
*The only thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents. - John J Plomp*