Tuesday, April 29, 2014

P365 - 2014 - Day 119 - I admit it is slightly ironic

P365 - 2014 - Day 119 - I admit it is slightly ironic

Today was Day 5 on my 30 day nutritional cleanse journey.  I woke up feeling good and decided to check the scale.  I was already down 4.8 lbs!  As much as I want to lose a few pounds, for sure, I am doing this cleanse and starting on this journey for more than just to lose weight.  I want to be healthier overall.  I want more energy.  I want to rid my body of toxins... all those rounds of antibiotics and steriods that I had to take for sinus infection after sinus infection before I got that under control - those toxins need to go!  I want to be more cognizant of what I am eating and give myself the best nutrition that I can to be the healthiest me that I can be.  That all being said, I admit it is slightly ironic that my picture for Day 5 was taken at McDonald's. ;-)  To be fair, the kids' school was running a fundraiser, their teachers were there working, and they wanted to go. (and McDonald's is a treat they don't get often) So I took The Bear, The Princess and their friend (The Boy went with his friend before soccer practice).  I had already had my delicious shake for dinner, so I went in to McDonald's armed with my trusty water bottle.  Now, I am not typically a big fan of McDonald's normally  (don't get me wrong, there are unhealthy foods that I like- this just isn't one of them) but I was wondering how I would feel walking into a McDonald's while on my nutritional cleanse.  I'll tell you - I felt fine.  Good even.  I was so darn proud of myself for being so committed to this, that walking into a restaurant didn't even register a blip on my radar.  I am too determined.  I am too confident.  And I just wasn't hungry.  I feel too good to blow this now.

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