PROJECT 365 - Day 321 - New and Old
My "new" cookie press arrived today! Let me explain. My mother loved to bake and had a cookie press just like this one from when she was a kid. One of my earliest memories of Christmas is of my mom (and dad) using the cookie press to make butter cookies. As I got older, I helped make the butter cookies - first just adding the sprinkles, then helping with the dough, then helping with the press. Finally, when I got married, my mom handed the cookie press down to me and I took over the "labor of love" of making the butter cookies for Christmas. It soon became a job that My Wonderful Husband helped with and eventually the kids started getting involved in the sprinkling of the cookies. Then two years ago the UNTHINKABLE happened! The cookie press (which in all fairness at that point was probably about 50 years old) BROKE!! I, along with it, had a break down. Dough was made, some cookies were in the oven, the kids were waiting to sprinkle and the darn thing broke! When I was done having a nervous breakdown, My Wonderful Husband showed me that he had googled the cookie press and found a new replacement press that would be delivered in a few days - not soon enough to salvage the dough... But I pulled myself back together and came up with plan B - finished the cookies in the best way I could by hand and waited for my new press. When it arrived, I completed another batch of cookies and all was right with my Christmas world. UNTIL... last year when the new cookie press broke too! Seriously? So again, I rolled the cookies by hand and moved on....but for the past year I have been so sad wondering what I would do to salvage this tradition that means so very much to me. UNTIL... last week when My Wonderful Husband found a "new" old cookie press JUST LIKE MY MOTHER's! Today it arrived in the mail and all I could do was smile when I opened it. I hope that this press has another 50 years in it...... :-)
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