Wednesday, November 2, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 306 - Act it out....

PROJECT 365 - Day 306 - Act it out....

I am not sure if other children do what our children do....  when they were little and they watched a show or a movie they would find toys to "act it out".  Now when they learn something in school they act that out too.  This year, The Bear and The Princess are learning about the presidents.   They are truly like sponges and come home telling us all of the things that they have learned.  So tonight, The Bear came to get me to show me how they made the "White House" and they were swearing in a new president (Donald Duck - First Lady - Daisy) and vice president (Goofy)  I can not make this stuff up. They were quite proud of their swearing in ceremony and wanted me to take a picture and make it the picture of the day.  Done!  I am thankful for creativity and I am thankful that Project 365 has given us all the ability to document these small moments.

On a side note... we started a "Thankful" chart today (that was going to be the picture until I was instructed otherwise...) We are each going to write down something we are thankful for every day.  It is hanging on the refrigerator and we have all added two thankful thoughts so far.... :-)

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