Sunday, November 13, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 317 - Pinterest, Plans, and Projects

PROJECT 365 - Day 317 - Pinterest, Plans, and Projects

It's been a while since I did any house projects.  I may have lulled My Wonderful Husband into a false sense of "being done" with the house.  (silly man)  To be fair, I have been rather content for awhile.  Then I found Pinterest - or rather Pinterest found me. ;-)  My Wonderful Husband already hates this website (possibly more that he hates Better Homes and Gardens magazine).  I have just been fiddling around on the site looking at things that my creative friends have pinned....  Then I started walking around the house and moving things around a bit.... My Wonderful Husband saw that look in my eyes and started getting nervous.  I have big plans for the playroom (which I almost always have big plans for because it is a space I never really finished and is always being changed) a long desk area and a chalkboard wall...  new frames....  ooohhh what else?  :-) 

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