Monday, October 7, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 279 - Home Sweet Home Away from Home

P365 - 2013 - Day 279 - Home Sweet Home Away from Home

This construction process has been a long time coming...we have waited and waited.  But when it finally started it moved at a pace I wasn't expecting.  I am not complaining because I know that it could have been the opposite.  The only thing is, I sometimes feel like I am either the last to get the memo or decisions are just being made on the fly... remember how the deck demo just happened one day?  Well, two days ago, we were informed that they would be moving inside to start in the interior demo and work and oh by the way can you be out by Monday and clear the entire first floor?  Oh?...oh...yeah...sure... no problem.  Do you sense my motto coming into play here?  What choice did we have?  We have waited for this to happen.  We had a loose plan in mind.  We didn't want to lose the contractors while they had time to do our project so we moved out.  We cleared our entire first floor, emptied our kitchen, and moved a block over into a neighbor's house who was kind enough to allow us to stay.  Oh and My Wonderful Husband dropped The Bear at his soccer game and drove an hour plus to bring The Boy to his.  I stayed behind once again and finished the mammoth job we started in the morning.  As always, My Wonderful Husband and I are an awesome team - he did the major heavy lifting and I was the brains of the operation ;-)  haha... and I finished most of the job when he left with the kids and he completed the heavy lifting when he got back.  Essentially, almost everything we just moved in June was moved again only to be moved (along with everything else we stored) again at some undetermined later date when the construction is done.  Easy peasy.  sort of...ok maybe not peasy...  but we got it done and here we are now, one block over (where I can keep a hawk's eye on the construction) - Home Sweet Home Away from Home.  

*If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with. - L. Frank Baum*

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