Wednesday, March 20, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 79 - bring it on

P365 - 2013 - Day 79 - bring it on

In October 2008 I ran the LBI 18 Mile Run.  After The Boy was born in May 2005, I started running for the first time in my life.  Before The Bear and The Princess, I was a diligent gym goer - step, kick boxing, weights, etc... then I had twins, moved twice, had another baby, and I was always. always. tired. And busy. so very busy.  But after The Boy was born I decided that I was going to start running.  It seemed like an efficient form of exercise, it gave me some quiet time on the treadmill and a way to watch shows other than Sesame Street and Dora the Explorer.  I could also put the baby in a stroller and run since My Wonderful Husband and I were using a "zone defense" instead of the man to man defense that we had previously used before our third child arrived on the scene.  But I digress... I started running for the first time ever and worked myself up from walking and running to running to running a lot.  I needed a goal though because I am a crazy - I mean goal oriented person.  So my goal became the LBI 18 Mile Run.  I had no time limit on that goal - I just wanted to get there eventually.  After more than three years, I finally ran the 18 miles in 2008 - I finished it and I wasn't last (which was my meager goal).  Every year since I have wanted to do it again, but just never have.  Last year my plan was to run a half marathon in the spring and then run the 18 miles in October.  Unfortunately the best laid plans and all that... I got sick last spring and set my running schedule back.  Fast forward to today.  I have been increasing my runs over the past couple of months to get myself back on track and today I did my first 8 mile run in quite some time.  So, to go along with my quest for balance and inner peace as well as the fact that this is the year that I turn..gulp..40... I made a decision.  I am running the LBI 18 Mile Run this October.  My Wonderful Husband has signed on to run along with me too.  I am very excited.  Come on 40 - bring it on.  I got this.  

*Ask nothing of your running and you'll get more than you ever imagined. - Christopher McDougall Born to Run*

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