Monday, March 4, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 63 - Like mother, Like daughter

P365 - 2013 - Day 63 - Like mother, Like daughter

Having a child is sometimes like having a mirror held up in front of your face.  Sometimes that mirror reflects back all of your good qualities, sometimes you marvel at the resemblances... other times it reflects the parts of yourself you don't always want to take credit for - those qualities that you would like to blame on your spouse but know that you can't...  sometimes that mirror shows you a vision of yourself that you had only dreamed about.  I am the lucky mother of two sons and a daughter... and while I can certainly see myself in my boys as well, my daughter is truly the one that holds the mirror...  There are the obvious similarities between us and she does look more and more like me as she gets older but the similarities go beyond our hair color and smile.  She is strong willed - one might say stubborn.  She has had a mind of her own since she was 18 months old.  She is dramatic and passionate about things that are important to her.  She can be shy but once she is comfortable - watch out!  :-)  She is caring and fiercely protective of anyone or anything that matters to her.  She is sensitive, but do not mistake that for weakness - she is one tough cookie and has been since birth when she fought her way into this world 6 weeks early and only 4 lbs.  But for as much as we are similar, she seems to have figured out some things that took me forever to figure out and some I am still working on.  She is not afraid to speak up.  She is confident and sure of herself.   She and I may be similar but she is the 2.0 version and I can't wait to see what she becomes.  xo

*When I look at my daughter, I see myself....only better. - Unknown*

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