Tuesday, April 5, 2011

PROJECT 365- Day 95 - Writing Centers

PROJECT 365- Day 95 - Writing Centers

Let me start by saying that I LOVE that my kids like school, like to read, like to learn, and above all are creative and bright.  Am I biased?  You bet!  But that is all true anyway.   So with that being said, The Bear came home from school today telling me all about the poetry unit that he is working on at school.  He was so excited that he wanted to work on some poems at home.  I have to admit - I was a bit "geeked" about this.  Since I still have some of my classroom materials from when I was a teacher, I had the perfect thing for this instance.  I have four "writing centers" that I used in my classroom for sentence writing, paragraph writing, story writing, and poetry writing.  When I pulled them out this afternoon you would have thought it was Christmas morning!  No joke.  The Bear, The Princess, and The Boy were as "geeked" about this as I was!  They spent hours writing sentences, poems, and stories.  We ended the night by working on a group story together.  We developed characters, came up with a setting, a problem, events, and a solution.  This will be an ongoing project so watch for more details as they develop.  I can tell you that the characters are a brave princess , a noisy baby , and an old man with a fishing pole.  :-)  These kids make me smile. :-)


  1. Love this! You and your family are awesome! But I "geek" out alot too, so I can relate. :)

  2. Thanks Christine! Eric questioned my use of the word "geeked" - but I told him it was the best word choice to describe it. ;-) I am loving reading your blog and keeping up with you and the fam too :-))
