Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 109 - This place is going to the birds

PROJECT 365 - Day 109 - This place is going to the birds

While I was cooking dinner tonight, I kept hearing a commotion on the back porch.  I knew it wasn't the kids since it was pouring outside and the kids were actually playing at the neighbor's house.  Then I saw a bird flying back and forth.  Then another bird.  So I walked out onto the porch and this is what I found..... a mess!  These birds were trying to build a nest in the ceiling fan.  I guess the expression "birdbrain" was coined for a reason.  Umm....hey bird.... you can't build a nest in a moving object.  Let me demonstrate.  (turn on fan)  Now all you bird lovers out there - don't get bent out of shape. No bird was harmed in my demonstration.  They flew off when I opened the door.  They had only just started the process.  No nest, no eggs, no baby birds.  I was actually performing a birdie service.  Better that they find out now that they made a bad home choice.  I went back inside and watched as the one bird came back to see the fan moving and what work he had started, umm, removed.  He didn't look happy, if a bird could not look happy.  But I like to think that he then went to find a more appropriate home. It can't be on the shutters outside our bedroom window -we already have a family of birds there that are apparently of the "early bird" variety.  It seems that the front porch is already spoken for since I heard some commotion out there as well. Hopefully he won't go with the wreath on the back door like the bird last year.  That didn't work well.  We didn't use our back door for awhile while the eggs were precariously perched in that nest in the crook of the wreath.  Ok, I admit it, the birds and I have a love/hate relationship.  They love to build nests all over our house and I. hate. it.  Build your nests in TREES for heavens sake.  Is that too much to ask for?  I have birdhouses too - how about those?  I wouldn't mind so much if that didn't leave behind such an awful mess!  At first I thought it was sweet - look the birds love our house.  But between the chirping at dawn, the mess of nest materials scattered all over my front and now back porches, the bird bathrooming habits (for lack of a better expression)which actually stained the floor of my front porch , I have had enough.  So if I took a bit too much pleasure in showing this bird the error of his ways, I am sorry.  It's just that this place is going to the birds!

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