Sunday, March 19, 2017

P365 - 2017 - Day 78 - fought Mother Nature

P365 - 2017 - Day 78 - fought Mother Nature

We woke up to pouring rain.  We woke up to wind.  We woke up to cold temperatures.  But there was no way we were backing down from this challenge.  I just don't think we knew just what a challenge it would be.....  The first 6 miles we had the wind at our back and while it was pouring buckets, it didn't seem too bad.  We have run in this before and the push from the wind was helpful.  Then we turned into the wind - 30 mph and fierce with gusts of much more than that and the rain in our face. Any talking that may have happened in those first 6 miles quickly stopped.  We needed to conserve our energy.  At one point Cindy said - "I am having a great conversation with you in my head.  I am loving your responses.  You're really kind of funny."  Yeah, I had that same conversation going on and we are funny.  At around 12 miles after a short portion of the run on the boardwalk I asked "Is that sand hitting us?"  As it turned out it was not sand.  It was sleet.  For 3 miles we had sleet pounding our faces and hanging from our visors.  We made the half marathon mark in great time and at around 15 miles, we had a 3 mile stretch between trees that blocked much of the wind and gave us a small break.  We made it to the 18 mile mark in great time as well.  We had decided at the start that there was no wetter than wet and that we would do this.  So when we took that turn around 18 miles to a large open area near the lighthouse, we really tested our resolve.  There was sideways wind and wind at our back that no longer felt like a helpful push but instead like a giant shoving us down a flight of stairs.  There was a sand storm that  blew mounds of sand into the road.  There was still rain.  We reached 22 miles felt some relief that we were further than we actually thought and we kept going.  Around 24 miles, we got separated.  I had stopped to walk and have the last of my Gu and water and told Cindy to going ahead - I had her in my sights and then lost her.  Then my watch turned off and for a moment I felt unmoored.  How far did I have to go?  I would need to wait to see the next mile sign which was frustrating to say the least.  When I saw the 25 mile marker, I tried to pick up the pace and felt my excitement growing to near that finish line.  I turned the corner onto the boardwalk and saw the King Neptune statue in the distance and ran like my life depended on it ...well it some ways it did.  I needed to get out of the wet clothes and warm up.  I was freezing!!!  I didn't beat my time from last year like I had hoped but we fought Mother Nature the whole way and I feel like we won.  

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