Wednesday, June 29, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 181 - new bike

P365 - 2016 - Day 181 - new bike

His new bike arrived today!  I brought him over to the bike shop where they got it all sized and situated, went over changing a flat, and sent him on his way to bike back home.  That is the face of one happy guy right there.  He has been swimming several times a week and now with his bike he is ready to start training for his first triathlon.  I am so proud of his determination and that fact that he values his health and wellness.  I can't wait to cheer for him.... and maybe join him. :-)


  1. Awesome!!! Good luck Eric! I did my first triathlon since 2009 just a few weeks ago, it hurt but felt great!!!

  2. Thank you :-) Congrats to you! I just finished my first marathon on May 1st and I am so excited for Eric to do a triathlon. - Lisa
