Monday, November 25, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 329 - blurry dot

P365 - 2013 - Day 329 - blurry dot

Waaaaayyy back on Monday October 7th, the picture of the day was entitled Day 1 Phase 2.  Remember waaaay back then when we were still blissfully believing that this was a 4-6 week project?  Ahh, what novices.  What positive thinking fools we were.  Here we are 7 weeks from that day with the finish line still a blurry dot off in the distance.  To be fair (as well as to not stress myself out even further )- that blurry dot has gotten much clearer....but we are still looking at a few more weeks to finish this project.  So today, when I went to check out the house and the insulation had been started with inspection scheduled for Wednesday, I was elated!  Where there is insulation there will be walls and walls make that blurry dot look much clearer.  The past 7 weeks have gone incredibly fast, we have been lucky enough to stay at a friend's house that is on the next block, the kids schedule and My Wonderful Husband's routine have kept us all busy, and we have wonderful friends who invited us to share Thanksgiving with them this week.  So all that being said, it really hasn't been bad and in the big scheme of things it is a very short period of time in our lives and  more importantly we chose to do this - this was our hair brained idea.  So, when I catch myself getting irritated or starting to complain I try to dial it back.  That dot will be here soon enough - we will see the finish line flags before we know it and we will finally be home soon enough. 

*How often I have lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home. - William Faulkner*

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