P365 - 2013 - Day 306 - Number 9
That's my girl. Number 9 - center midfield - goal scorer. She's fast, she's got moves, and when she has the ball very few can get close enough to try to stop her. I never played soccer. I never played any sport... I was a cheerleader....and no offense to my fellow cheerleaders, but I found as I got older that I was a frustrated athlete. I never thought I could be an athlete when I was younger. I was too intimidated to even try. But as I got older, I started to feel like I missed out. So I have encouraged my daughter to play team sports since she was little. Both My Wonderful Husband and I have encouraged her, he has coached her, and we continue to cheer her on. I think sports build confident, well rounded girls and that is what I want for my daughter. I tell her all the time..."Go out there and play like a girl. Show everyone what girls can do." and she does just that. She's one tough cookie and she is unstoppable on the soccer field and I love to watch her play! After missing a few of her games this season, I was very happy to be there today and watch her score two goals in a 7-1 win. That's my girl. I love that Number 9!
*Forget it Princess, not even Cinderella is getting to this ball. - Unknown*
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