Saturday, June 30, 2012

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 182 - Thunder and Lightening and Hail ...oh my!

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 182 - Thunder and Lightening and Hail ...oh my!

This was the earliest in a day that I have ever taken a picture of the day.  In the wee hours of the morning around 2 am, we were awakened by what was one of the worst storms I can remember.  I woke up first, heard a loud crack of thunder and saw lightening lighting up the house.  I figured that the kids would not be far behind me in waking up and after counting down from 10 to 1, the first of them was down the stairs.  The Princess heard the storm and came down looking slightly nervous - and I could not blame her!  After a couple of minutes The Bear and The Boy came down, also looking nervous and telling us that they were going to try to stay in their room, but there was "something in there - a loud noise....not the thunder...".  It turned out that the wind that was whipping outside seemed to be blowing under the window somehow creating a very loud moaning noise - again, I could not blame them - it was one scary noise!  While my Wonderful Husband was upstairs checking the window to make sure it was not going to blow in, the hail started banging the windows and I am not gonna lie, it. was. scary.  But I was trying to keep these three kiddos (who had taken over our bed) calm....  We turned on the weather channel to see what was up and the orange band on the map was sitting right over us along with warnings running on the bottom of the screen to get to a safe indoor place away from windows... that was going to be difficult in this house.... The electricity went off and thankfully back on but the storm raged on for at least an hour.  Finally it quieted down and everyone went back to their own beds.  When The Boy got to his bed, he said, "Oh, I should have taken all of my bedtime friends....Were you guys scared up here?"  ;-) 

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