Monday, June 4, 2012

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 156 - Lesson learned.

P365 (1) - 2012 - Day 156 - Lesson learned.

The kids' school planned to have the kids make tie dye shirts for field day on a day that we were not here for school.  So, since I wanted the kids to have the chance to make their own, I decided that we would make them at home instead.  My thinking was that I had made my fair share of tie dye shirts in college - as an RA I would have tie dye programs - so I figured "I got this."  That being said, I learned a few things today.  
*First of all, I was in college a. long. time. ago.  Seriously, how did it get to be so long ago.  The a fore mentioned programs were probably 19 years ago.  
*Second, it is hard to remember how you did something 19 years ago.  
*Third, when  you are tie dying in the resident lounge of your dorm, you pay very little attention to the things that you pay attention to when you are tie dying in your home 19 years later.  (have I mentioned how I am not a big fan of a mess?  and dye messes that have the chance of permanently dying things - even worse) 
* Finally, when you are grabbing some random shirt from your drawer to throw in some dye as a college student, you do not stress about how the colors will come out. However, when you are tie dying three shirts for your three children based on their color choices, you can become quite stressed that the colors will not come out as they planned. 
So, the lesson learned tonight could possibly be that I am too darn old for tie dying - either way, after all of my stressing, I think they came out pretty cool and the kids approved but more importantly were thrilled with the results.  If they want another one, however, they can wait until they are in college. 

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