Sunday, March 11, 2012

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 71 - It's just soooo preeetttyy!!!!

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 71 - It's just soooo preeetttyy!!!!

Today was "operation re-do the laundry closet".  I'm not sure what has happened to me or when I became the person that gets downright giddy about re -doing a laundry closet, but there it is.  I was giddy about this project. Given the fact that I spend a good deal of my life standing in front of this laundry closet, I wanted it to be pretty!  Is that crazy? -perhaps.  But, thankfully I have a wonderful husband who not only puts up with my craziness and grand plans but actually agrees to do the painting.  I decided that if this space was going to be my pretty sanctuary (yes I know it's a laundry closet...) then it had to be pink!  But this project not only involved painting - it involved moving the washer and dryer multiple times and squeezing behind the dryer to reattach the hose - all done with minimal complaining (he is wonderful - but still human).  There was also the issue of the light.  I found a pretty drum shade that I planned to hang in place of the fluorescent light on the ceiling.  After three trips to Lowes, three different light kits, and quite a bit of elbow grease to get the fluorescent light down, we discovered that in order to hang the, a fore mentioned, pretty shade he would have to cut the drywall, add a light box, re- dry wall, and hope there was a joist in that spot on the ceiling.  I tried to help - I googled directions and told My Wonderful Husband how much faith I had in his ability (did I mention the pretty shade?)...  But in the end, it was a no go.  But once the washer and dryer were back in place and the new shelf was up and I put in all of my baskets - I was in Heaven - pink Heaven!  It's just soooo preeeettttyy!!!! 

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