Thursday, March 8, 2012

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 68 - Game on.

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 68 - Game on.

For the past couple of weeks, our bird friends have been building their yearly nest in the shutters outside our bedroom windows.  If that sounds sweet and quaint to you then you have never been woken up at dawn by the sound of birds barreling into your windows, tunneling under your shutters, and hanging on your screens.  You have never opened your blinds in the morning to find a peeping tom bird hanging there starring you in the face only to have that bird chirp loudly, as if you are disturbing him, and push off of your screen to fly away making you certain that there will soon be a huge hole in that screen.  So sweet and quaint? Not so much.  Our bird friends have also returned to our front porch where they have been following a similar routine to the one from the bedroom windows.  Both of these places inevitably end up covered in lovely "bird mess".  So if it seems that I am a bit hostile towards these birds, then that is certainly possible. But I think I am justified in my hostility.  So today when I came home from my hair appointment and found this quite large bird just sitting on my back porch, I took notice.  He sat there for a long time and seemed to be looking me right in the eye while I stood at the door.  It appears that the birds are now sending in reinforcements - it is not enough to wake me at dawn, scare the bejeebers out of me when I open my blinds, and destroy any outdoor sitting areas that I have - now they are sending in their goons to try to intimidate me.  Ok birds - message heard.  Game on.  Welcome to spring 2012. 

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