Monday, October 17, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 290 -Books

PROJECT 365 - Day 290 - Books

Bedtime books have been a part of the kids' lives since before they were even born....  When I was pregnant with the twins, My Wonderful Husband and I would read to the babies at night.  Then when I was pregnant with The Boy we were always reading at night to The Bear and The Princess.  Reading time at night was special time - part of the bedtime routine.  Reading time at night has evolved over the past few years with three readers in the house.  I remember the days of the kids each picking a book and we would all sit together and read.  Sometime we read the same book over and over - there are some books in our collection that I can read verbatim still today without even looking at the book.  There were some books that they liked me to read and some that were just way more fun when Daddy read them.  We were still reading to The Boy as of last year, but things slowly started to change and lately we have three readers who read to us or even now read on their own sometimes at bedtime.  It is very strange to me sometimes but at the same time very cool.  I miss some of those books...Kiss Goodnight, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, The Bear Snores On, Sleepyhead, Goodnight Moon, Psst, and the list goes on and on....  But I love the books we read together now too and the worlds the kids get to enter through those books.  But tonight when all three of the kids were worn out from a night of soccer practice and I suggested that I read to them instead of the other way around, they all jumped at the idea.  I am not going to lie, that made me really happy.  They even let me pick the books!  (they must have been tired)  So I picked an old favorite, Go Back to Bed! (if you haven't read this - you should!!) and then I picked a very cool one that I thought they would like - Harvey Potter's Balloon Farm.  We all sat together and read and this mommy was happy:-) 

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