Saturday, October 1, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 274 - We aren't afraid of rain!

PROJECT 365 - Day 274 - We aren't afraid of rain!

It rained today for the kids' games.  During The Boy's game it drizzled on and off, nothing too terrible.... but no matter.  Those kindergarten and first graders ran hard, scored big, and played with all their heart!  Three for three for the Cosmos!  During The Bear and The Princess' game it started out raining a bit and then the heavens really opened up.... but again no worries!  Those second and third graders laughed in the face of the rain!  They continue to not only be undefeated but they shut out their third team this season!  United are three for three and a force to be reckoned with!  These two teams said RAIN SCHMAIN!!! - We aren't afraid of rain!  Can you tell I am super proud of these guys?  My three and the rest of the teams. 

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