Saturday, March 19, 2011

PROJECT 365- Day 78 - Not a good day.....

PROJECT 365- Day 78 - Not a good day...

The Princess fell off her bike today - she hit some gravel, skidded, lost control, and fell off her bike.  She is bruised pretty bad and we had to make an emergency trip to the dentist because she chipped her two front teeth.  I am absolutely nauseous about this.  It breaks my heart to see my babies get hurt and I wish I could rewind this day and get a do over.  Thankfully My Wonderful Husband had gotten home from Montreal already today or the nervous breakdown that I had may have been the end of me.  My sweet girl is sleeping peacefully on the couch where we will stay tonight so I can keep her elevated and keep an eye on her and give her more advil if necessary. I am thankful that she didn't get any more hurt, thankful she had a helmet on....  I would switch places with her if I could - but I can't.  Not a good day.

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