Saturday, March 12, 2011

PROJECT 365- Day 71 - You Know You Have a Problem When...

Project 365- Day 71- You Know You Have a Problem When...
(Guest Blogger: My Wonderful Husband)

We spent last weekend at the beach to celebrate my birthday (and Poppy's).  I sent Mother Nature a request for some good waves but she failed to deliver.  So I spent Saturday surfing some smaller waves and Sunday going for a run with my beautiful wife.  A very nice birthday weekend, but still missing that great surf session.  We arrived home and as the forecasts for this weekend started to emerge I realized that it was going to be the surfing weekend I had hoped for.  What is a surfer to do?  I gathered the family and pleaded for another 3.5 hour trip to the beach.  They relented--thus enabling my addiction, but I love them for it.  I woke up at 5:30am today with the wind blowing strong out of the south (the entirely wrong direction for our beach).  A quick text from my buddy let me know that Manasquan was chest to head high and clean--but that is almost an hour north!  Again, what is a surfer to do? I loaded up the car, hit the parkway and was in the water just before 7am for a great early morning surf session.  So as the title states--you know you have a problem beg and plead with your family to drive 3.5 hours to the beach only to drive another hour north in the dark of the morning to surf some fantastic waves in 40 degree water.  I love Jersey surfing!

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