Tuesday, January 4, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 4 - Testosterone

PROJECT 365 - Day 4 - Testosterone

I took several pictures today trying to get the "right" shot to say something about the day.  The Princess was sick....again....a pic of her cuddling on the couch?...The Bear and Daddy playing football after school?....maybe...  The Boy and Daddy being silly....likely to get that one again ;-)  My new totally cute brown boots?........they really are cute.

Then the moment presented itself.  The kids were upstairs getting ready for bed.  I grabbed my camera just in case and went upstairs.  The Princess was ready and in bed, The Boy was running around half ready as per usual but no sign of The Bear....I started to say to him, "What on earth is taking you so long to get ready for bed?" (This is a question that I ask so many times that it belongs on my "Save your breathe app." (we'll discuss that another day after I copyright it ;-))  I turn to walk into the bathroom and find my soon to be 8 year old son posing and checking his muscles in the bathroom mirror.  Seriously.   Apparently almost 8 is the new 16.  Now, I know it is only supposed to be one picture, but not to be outdone by his big brother, The Boy then runs in and poses with his muscles!  So if yesterday was all about girl power, I guess today is all about Testosterone!  The Princess and I are clearly outnumbered around here.  I lose track of how many times she mumbles "Boys..." while shaking her head and walking away.  They make noises, and laugh at sometimes inappropriate things.  They wrestle.  They could make anything into a sport.  They would play video games all day, every day, if we let them.  They will watch any sporting event that is on TV (just like their Daddy)  But they do make us laugh, keep things interesting and balance us....  They tell us when we look nice, occasionally play Barbies and dress up because they know that makes The Princess happy, they sometimes agree to turn off sports and put on Hannah Montana (or in the Daddy's case, he might turn off sports for The Real Housewives) and they would do anything for each other, their sister ( their kids or their wife) and their Mommy and Daddy.  We wouldn't trade them for the world.  We love our boys!


  1. Its a good story and the pics are great, but I must admit I am dying to see pics of the cute brown boots!

  2. Stacey,I'll send you the pic of the boots;-)

  3. Thanks Tina!! I do feel like I am going to spend the rest of the year trying to match or top these....:-)
