Sunday, January 2, 2011

PROJECT 365- Day 1 and 2 Calendars and getting things in order....

I am new to this, so I am posting twice today....  I posted the pics for Day 1 and 2 of PROJECT 365.

PROJECT 365 - Day 1 - Calendars

We started off the new year getting over colds and the flu.  We just hung out all day and relaxed.  We used the day to get our calendars ready by adding all of the special days- birthdays, anniversaries, sports practices and games, show and tell get the idea.  The Princess, The Bear, and The Boy used the new silly pens they had gotten in their Christmas stockings.  They also used stickers to mark the days.  We are ready to jump into 2011!!  Happy New Year!

PROJECT 365 -Day 2- Label Maker....Where have you been all my life?

I woke up with an overwhelming feeling of needing to get things in order.  So I started the long process of "undecorating".  To most, this is not as much fun as the decorating....but to a self proclaimed clean freak and organization junky like me, it might even be more fun. Just a lot of work.  Then I remembered that my wonderful husband had bought me a label maker (last year) that I had never actually used yet. ( I know...can you imagine???  Where has this thing been my whole life?)  So with the help of my new FAVORITE toy, I undecorated and got things in order.  I am exhausted but relieved that it is all done.  We got the kids ready to go back to school tomorrow and I will have a clean house :-).  Now.....what else can I label????

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