Thursday, July 13, 2017

P365 - 2017 - Day 194 - soak in the much as the sun

P365 - 2017 - Day 194 - soak in the much as the sun

So this growing up thing is kind of crazy... one second my kids were babies and then poof, I turn around and I standing eye to (almost) eye or I am actually looking up to meet their eye....  I feel like this summer we are traveling new roads and testing new waters as two of our children get ready to begin high school and one, middle school.  They are growing up and while there are days where that makes me kind of sad, it is also such a honor to watch them grow into these cool, smart, funny people who have so much to offer this world.  The fact that, in the midst of all of this growing up, this girl wants to spend time at the beach with her mama makes me very happy.  We aren't digging in the sand and building castles anymore, instead our chairs are side by side and we talk and laugh and I soak in the time with her as much as the sun.  These are days I will never forget.

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