Sunday, August 14, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 227 - it just does

P365 - 2016 - Day 227 - it just does

The days of Summer are sadly numbered.... My Wonderful Husband goes back to his work commute next week, practices are back in full swing, and the kids will be returning to school soon.  I try not to let August bum me out, but inevitably it just does.  Add to all that, the memories of 4 years ago and how I spent my August days watching my Dad's health quickly decline and it turns out this month is not one of my favorites.  I'm not sure why this month is getting to me more this year than in previous years...  Maybe the combination of marking 10 years that my mom is gone this past March and the 4th anniversary of my dad's passing approaching is getting the best of me a bit.  There is no magic moment when you feel the loss of someone less than before.  You just learn to deal with the loss and become immune to it but it's still there and sometimes, without warning or good reason, it rears its ugly head and the loss is front and center again.  It's just a reality and I try to be aware of it even if it takes me several days to truly realize what it is that is needling at me.  So there it is.  August.  In an effort to find the good in this month, it was nice to have a couple of days that My Wonderful Husband could join me up at the beach.   Now to turn the table on August and embrace the last week before the crazy routine begins, welcome the little bit of structure that practices and tournaments bring, try not to think too much about the first day of school just yet.... and try not to let August bum me out too much. ;-)

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