Wednesday, August 31, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 244 - BRING IT ON!!

P365 - 2016 - Day 244 - BRING IT ON!!

Our shirts are here!!!   The countdown is on.  Team Wild SOL - 12 chicks, 200 miles....BRING IT ON!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 243 - summer reading assignment

P365 - 2016 - Day 243 - summer reading assignment

Summer is winding down and even though The Princess had her Summer reading assignment done in week two or so, she sat down with me to go over it and make sure it all looked good.  We read over her answers together and I talked to her about how to edit, clean up, and improve a writing assignment.  The teacher in me may have come out along with the writer in me who seriously loves this.... In the end, she did an amazing job with this assignment and she is ready for school to start.
Afterward, The Bear shared his google doc assignment with me so that I could look his over as well.  I'm happy that they want this first assignment to be the best it can be to show this year's teachers what they have to offer.  Not to be forgotten... The Boy also finished his summer reading and is ready for 6th grade!

Monday, August 29, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 242 - one small factor

P365  - 2016 - Day 242 - one small factor

It is getting very close now.... in just over two weeks I will be running the Ragnar DC relay.  I finally went out and bought my night time running gear.  Now just to get over the fear of running in the middle of the night.... just that one small factor.  ;-)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 241 - a great time

P365 - 2016 - Day 241 - a great time

It has been TOO LONG since we have seen our friends, Stacey and Dale.  After a summer spent recuperating from foot surgery and a broken hand, Stacey was finally cast free and we were finally soccer free so we spent the day together at their swim club.  It was a great time catching up, laughing, and watching the "olympic diving team" hopefuls....  ;-) We hope to see them soon!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 240 - a great day and night

P365 - 2016 - Day 240 - a great day and night

I started the day cheering on my boys in their 1 mile and 5k races.  The Boy placed second overall in the 1 mile run and The Bear placed third in his age group in the 5k.  I was super proud of them and had fun cheering them on!  After getting back with the boys and getting The Princess to her friend's house, My Wonderful Husband and I got ready for a night out in Atlantic City to celebrate 19 years of wedded bliss.  We had an amazing dinner at The Knife and Fork Inn - a classic Atlantic City restaurant from the turn of the 19th century.  We walked off our full bellies on the boardwalk and just enjoyed each other's company.  It was a great day and night.

Friday, August 26, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 239 - The boys

P365 - 2016 - Day 239 - The boys

The boys are both running the Lacey 5k and 1 mile run tomorrow.   I am in the midst of training for the LBI 18 and Ragnar DC, so I have decided to just cheer for my boys tomorrow.  They are ready and I can't wait to see them run!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 238 - to the moon and back

P365 - 2016 - Day 238 - to the moon and back

Nineteen years ago we were newlyweds flying off to our honeymoon destination - starting a new life together and excited at all that would bring.  Today we hopped on our bikes and "flew" down to Holgate and back together.... 19 years and he is still my favorite traveling companion - whether to a far off destination, a 12 mile bike ride, or even a trip to the grocery store.  I love this guy to the moon and back.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 237 - I still do

P365 - 2016 - Day 237 - I still do

My Wonderful Husband was still at work today so we have postponed a celebration of our 19 year anniversary.  Nineteen years ago today we said I Do and it has been an adventure ever since..... I wouldn't trade one single day and I look forward to many, many more together.  I still do.  xo

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 236 - grilled cheese at 9pm

P365 - 2016 - Day 236 - grilled cheese at 9pm

On practice nights (otherwise known as every night of the week), it is a mad rush out the door to get everyone where they need to be.  Especially on days when My Wonderful Husband is at work.  That usually means an early dinner of some kind and three hungry kids back at home hours later.  Tonight they came back "starving" after their practices so I made some grilled cheese at 9pm to fill their bellies.

Monday, August 22, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 235 - meant one thing

P365 - 2016 - Day 235 - meant one thing

Since our days at Willy P, this has only meant one thing.... the start of a new academic year is upon us.  My Wonderful Husband went back to the Fall semester today and started off with a new calendar.  There is just something about a new, fresh calendar that takes the sting out of going back to school/work.  Here's to a great new semester.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 234 - #mykidsarecool

P365 - 2016 - Day 234 - #mykidsarecool

It was another day of soccer tournaments for all three of my soccer players.  It was a very early start for My Wonderful Husband and The Princess - I wasn't able to get to PA to catch any of her games but I did get updates as she and her team made it to the finals with three wins under their belts.  Unfortunately they lost in the finals but second place was pretty sweet as well.  After getting The Bear to his coach to carpool to his first game, I came home to take The Boy to his one game.  He and his team won one and lost one yesterday so they played today for third place and won their game 5-3.  The Boy looked great on the field today!  After that, The Boy and I and My Wonderful Husband and The Princess were all able to make it to The Bear's last game of the tournament.  He and his team suffered an unfortunate 1-0 loss but as always, I just love to watch them play.  It was a great soccer weekend and like my Instagram hashtag said all weekend... #mykidsarecool.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 233 - all of my favorites

P365 - 2016 - Day 233 - all of my favorites

It was an early start and a long day of three tournaments.  Three kids, three tournaments, two states and two parents.   We split up - which is an unfortunate reality of three kids playing soccer at this level.  My Wonderful Husband went with The Princess, I went with The Boy and The Bear went with his coach.  I wish I could have seen them all play but I was getting updates from the other two while I was with The Boy.  Once we were all home, the plan had been to go out to dinner... but a very early morning start and some hot soccer fields had everyone worn out so we ordered in instead.  I was happy to end this day with all of my favorites around the table.  Now to get some rest and do it all again tomorrow.

Friday, August 19, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 232 - high on the list

P365 - 2016 - Day 232 - high on the list

About two months ago when the orthopedic told My Wonderful Husband that he should maybe do less impact like running (read: Hey you should compete in triathlons), he decided that if he was going to run less he would still make it a challenge.  I knew someone that was "streaking" or running one mile every day for as many days as possible, so I suggested this challenge to My Wonderful Husband.  We are wired very much the same way and a challenge simply can not be ignored.  So he began his "streak" and has been running one mile every day since then.  No matter what time of day he can fit it in.  Even if he had surf lessons and soccer training.... Even if it's raining....  Even if we are all exhausted and going to bed early to be able to wake up in the 5 o'clock hour for soccer tournaments the next day.  So tonight, as I was heading up to bed at a quite respectable 9:22...because 5 am rolls around pretty early... he was getting ready to slip on his running shoes and grab his garmin for his mile.  There are so many things that I love about this guy, but the fact that he can be just as crazy (read: determined) as me when it comes to doing something he has decided to do, is high on the list.  Here's to your streak my love.....may it stretch for many many miles.  xo

Thursday, August 18, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 231 - LBI Splash and Dash

P365 - 2016 - Day 231 - LBI Splash and Dash

My Wonderful Husband has been training for his first triathlon which he will be doing in September (the day after I get back from my Ragnar trip).  When we saw the LBI Splash and Dash event posted, we both agreed that it was a great way for him to get a feel for the course he will be completing in September, since it is similar.  So, he competed in and won third place in his age group in the LBI Splash and Dash - a 1/4 swim and a 3 mile run.  I am so proud of him and can't wait to cheer him on in September for the LBI Triathlon and join him next year!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 230 - team Wild SOL

P365 - 2016 - Day 230 - team Wild SOL

This is team Wild SOL - the group of women with whom I will be doing Ragnar DC. We met to go over logistics and other details and get to know each other a little for those of us who hadn't met.  A few I know, some I just met but in 4 short weeks we will be running a 200 mile relay from Western MD to Washington DC together and I am really looking forward to it!  I think it is safe to say this is way out of my comfort zone and something completely new to me.... and I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 229 - feet in the sand

P365 - 2016- Day 229 - feet in the sand

As the days are winding down before My Wonderful Husband goes back to work, he finished surf lessons and put aside some writing he needed to be doing to go put his feet in the sand with me again.  I might get spoiled with the amount of times he has been able to get there with me all summer and especially this past week or so.  I'm still in denial that the semester starts next week.

Monday, August 15, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 228 - the front

P365 - 2016 - Day 228 - the front

The front landscaping is really getting lush and filling in .  It really just exploded and seems to like the heat we have been getting.  As long as I water it every morning.....

Sunday, August 14, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 227 - it just does

P365 - 2016 - Day 227 - it just does

The days of Summer are sadly numbered.... My Wonderful Husband goes back to his work commute next week, practices are back in full swing, and the kids will be returning to school soon.  I try not to let August bum me out, but inevitably it just does.  Add to all that, the memories of 4 years ago and how I spent my August days watching my Dad's health quickly decline and it turns out this month is not one of my favorites.  I'm not sure why this month is getting to me more this year than in previous years...  Maybe the combination of marking 10 years that my mom is gone this past March and the 4th anniversary of my dad's passing approaching is getting the best of me a bit.  There is no magic moment when you feel the loss of someone less than before.  You just learn to deal with the loss and become immune to it but it's still there and sometimes, without warning or good reason, it rears its ugly head and the loss is front and center again.  It's just a reality and I try to be aware of it even if it takes me several days to truly realize what it is that is needling at me.  So there it is.  August.  In an effort to find the good in this month, it was nice to have a couple of days that My Wonderful Husband could join me up at the beach.   Now to turn the table on August and embrace the last week before the crazy routine begins, welcome the little bit of structure that practices and tournaments bring, try not to think too much about the first day of school just yet.... and try not to let August bum me out too much. ;-)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 226 - this 18 mile sandbar

P365 - 2016 - Day 226 - this 18 mile sandbar

I got a late start this morning, but when I finally got out, I rode down to Holgate and back.  It wasn't clear enough to see Atlantic City but it's always kind of cool to go to the end of the island and remember that we are 6 miles out at sea on this 18 mile sandbar.... My next cycling goal is to ride to the North end of the island....

Friday, August 12, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 225 - "Don't grow up too quickly...."

P365 - 2016 - Day 225 - "Don't grow up too quickly...."

Another Summer is coming very near to the end....and that has me nostalgic as usual.  I have always seen the passage of time more acutely during the summer....This Summer is no exception and in many ways it has been more heightened with two teenagers and a preteen who has sprouted several inches since the end of the school year.  It is so hard to believe that another year has passed and we are about to have two 8th graders and a 6th grader this year... a big year as The Bear and The Princess enter their last year of middle school and The Boy his last year of elementary school.  I feel like I blinked...I've said this before but there is no better way to explain how I feel...I blinked and my three babies are so grown up!  Ironically when I first posted this photo in 2011, I posted it with a quote that is quite fitting for how I feel about this flashback photo.....  "Don't grow up too quickly, lest you forget how much you love the beach."   Thankfully, they still love the beach and although they are growing up so quickly, I hope that we always can have Summer to love the beach together.  

Thursday, August 11, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 224 - the company I had in the car

P365 -  2016 - Day 224 - the company I had in the car

Practices are back in full swing and tonight's line up included The Princess in Brick with My Wonderful Husband and The Bear and The Boy here at our local field.  It was so hot and buggy I sat in the air conditioned car waiting for the boys.  After they were finished, we had to meet up with My Wonderful Husband to get The Princess before he had to head to a board meeting.  Clearly the heat had gotten to all of us as evidenced by the company I had in the car during the wait.  They were hot, tired, and bug bitten but that didn't stop them from aggravating their sister by sending her constant text messages until she reached us.  Hey, we had to entertain ourselves somehow......

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 223 - young at heart

P365 - 2016 - Day 223 - young at heart

The Princess and I were getting ready to run out to do some shopping and when I tried to find My Wonderful Husband to let him know we were leaving, this is what I found.  I love him for so many reasons but the fact that he is young at heart is one of the biggest ones.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 222 - flippers

P365 - 2016 - Day 222 - flippers

These two had a blast with these flippers and their boards today.  They tackled some impressive waves and most importantly had a ton of fun together!  This was a brother moment that makes a mamas heart swell.

Monday, August 8, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 221 - Hello challenge

P365 - 2016 - Day 221- Hello challenge

It is my current quest to become a triathlete, which means that I have to become a swimmer.  I grew up with a pool and the beach....but to say that I know how to swim is a bit of a stretch.  I call it survival swimming.  But if I am going to complete a triathlon I will need to do a bit more than just survive.  So to that end, I got in the pool at the gym today with my friend who gave me a little swim lesson.  Good news is I survived....but I think I have some work to do.  Hello challenge.  I accept.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 220 - just sit

P365 - 2016 - Day 220 - just sit

Normally my friend and I are running together....but today we had a chance to just sit... and enjoy the beach.  She brought along another friend that I got to meet and we laughed that we are usually talking while moving - whether it's running, biking, or swimming....  It was nice to sit and soak up the sun while we talked instead.  :-)

Saturday, August 6, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 219 - new helmet...first ride

P365 - 2016 - Day 219 - new helmet....first ride

I went and got a new helmet and did my first ride on my bike....7.79 miles.  I can't wait to add this to my running.  I am really looking forward to an emptier island for some rides and hopefully some rides with my hubby and my friend (as long as I don't slow them down....)  Now to just get in the water and start swimming.  Triathlons, here I come. :-)

Friday, August 5, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 218 - new challenge

P365 - 2016 - Day 218 - new challenge

My Wonderful Husband drove me to look at not one but two bikes this week that were each an hour and a half away.  The first one was just not right for me and after three total hours in the car, I was home empty handed and bummed.  But then he drove me to look at this one and it was too good of a deal to pass up.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I am planning to give triathlons a go so along swimming I need to start biking to make that happen.  I had a hard time spending the $ on a bike without knowing how much I would like this, so I went for a "new to me" bike that I found on Craig's List and I am thrilled to have found a Fuji Absolute flat bar to get started on this new challenge.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 217 - Books on the beach

P365 - 2016 - Day 217 - Books on the beach

I looked up from my book to see The Boy reading his.  And my heart was full.  Books on the beach are one of my favorite things.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 216 - Runner 11

P365 - 2016 - Day 216 - Runner 11

After quite a bit of deliberation, I finally chose my legs for Ragnar DC.  I will be Runner 11 - running 9.4, 9.1, and 6.1 miles.  I am excited and nervous at the same time!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 215 - The Bear's objective

P365 - 2016 - Day 215 - The Bear's objective

This summer was the first time that The Bear and The Princess worked...since they are not yet 14, they started with some babysitting for a local family. I encouraged both of them to put away half of their earnings for savings and the other half was theirs to choose how to save or spend.   The Bear's objective was to get these cleats.  So when he finally had enough to get them, he was very excited.  They finally got here today after a small snafu with the order and he was thrilled.  I think he also felt pretty accomplished to have worked for these himself.  The Princess chose to use her money in different ways and was also excited today to go shopping with a friend and have enough to buy herself a bikini top that she had been eying up.  I am happy that they had the opportunity to work this summer and learn first hand the value of a dollar.  

Monday, August 1, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 214 - Hello comfort zone? I'll see you later.

P365 - 2016 - Day 214 - Hello comfort zone?  I'll see you later.

I have given this a lot of thought....I am ready for a new challenge to add to my running.  I want to train for a triathlon.  I am working on getting a bike, but the swimming aspect has been the part that scares me the most.  Can I swim?  Well, I grew up in a pool or in the ocean so I certainly can survive.  But as to whether or not I can swim, like really swim, that is a totally different story.  Probably not really.  At least not with any amount of skill.  So this is my new challenge.  I plan to learn how to swim.  Enough to be proficient.  I won't be setting the world on fire or anything.  I am planning to take some lessons and a friend has graciously offered to get me in the pool for some initially pointers. In my quest to do this, I bought my first Speedo bathing suit.  Because I realize it wouldn't be appropriate to swim in my bikinis. haha  So, I am getting there.... I have a bathing suit, I need a swim cap and goggles and then the bravery to take that first plunge.  Hello comfort zone?  I'll see you later.