Wednesday, February 3, 2016

P365 - 2016 - Day 34 - some of my words

P365 - 2016 - Day 34 - some of my words

This post popped up on my Facebook today and gave me pause.  At 17 (or apparently 13 and even 10) you think you know it all and have it all under control.  While in reality you know relatively little and are still learning every single day.  I want my kids to be able to learn from My Wonderful Husband and I but at the same time I realize that they need to learn some things on their own and in their own time.  No matter how many things we teach them, they will inevitably still be able to look back at their 17 year olds selves someday with some words of wisdom.  My hope for them is that when they look back at their 17 year old selves, they don't have regrets and can mostly smile at the memory.  So, in an effort to impart some of my hard earned wisdom,  I will share some of my words for my 17 year old self.
- "Break up with him."
- "Work harder in school."
- "Never roll your jeans." ;-)
- "Ignore the mean girls."
- "Don't perm your hair."
- "That dress looked great."
- "Enjoy your senior year."
- "Go have more fun."
- "Go for a run!"
- "You are worth it!"
- "Don't go to McDonalds."
- "You are pretty smart."
- "Hug Mom and Dad."
- "Practice your parallel parking."
- "Go out for sports."
- "Be much more confident."
- "You are rocking this."
Hindsight is 20/20... hopefully I can help my children see clearly now so they don't need to wait.

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