Thursday, May 7, 2015

P365 - 2015 - Day 127 - birthday eve

P365 - 2015 - Day 127 - birthday eve

The Littlest Leonard is turning 10 tomorrow... double digits.  Tonight is the last night that The Boy will be 9 and single digits....where has the time gone?  Wasn't it just yesterday that he arrived and made us a family of five?  My Mother's Day baby who gave me a forever reminder to smile each year on that day.  Tonight on his "birthday eve" as he called it, I am sentimental as I remember the sweet baby that entered our lives 10 years ago and completed our family.  I smile as I remember the little boy that could be sweet, funny, charming, determined, and tireless.....we didn't call him Mr. Big Stuff for nothing... :-)  But I am also filled with love and admiration for the big boy that he is becoming - still determined, smart, athletic, always charming, creative, funny, and resilient.  I am so proud of all he has accomplished and become in these past 10 years and I look forward to all that comes next.  Tonight is the last night that my baby will be 9, but he will always be my baby.  We love you "to pizza"!!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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