Wednesday, February 25, 2015

P365 - 2015 - Day 54 - Award show season

P365 - 2015 - Day 54 - Award Show season

So the Academy Awards were on the other day....  I don't watch awards shows.  I know, I know... how simply unAmerican  of me right?  To be perfectly honest, awards shows annoy me.  Here is a group of celebrities - many who bemoan the attention that they get from the media - who clearly thrive on the attention of being told how fabulous they are.  Fancy dresses that cost somewhere in the ballpark of what normal people's homes cost, jewels that are loaned to them that rival the contents on King Tut's tomb, and a lot of clapping and back patting.  Am I a grump?  Perhaps.  It just bugs me that there aren't regular people awards shows.  In particular, and frankly close to my heart, is the concept of a Parent Academy Award for all of those unsung heroes in the trenches of parenthood.  I know most of us as parents aren't looking for an award, but sometimes a little recognition, someone noticing how much we do and sacrifice for the good of our kids and the world in general (because we are raising people here, people!)  would be nice.  I say this every year as the Award Show season rolls around.  My husband nods as he listens to my rant each year.  What about the moms - and the dads - the ones teaching kids manners.... potty to to be a good friend.  The ones who drive their children to practices and sporting events and help them with homework and staying organized.  The ones who make rules that aren't always popular but are necessary.  The ones who get up with small babies and stay up waiting for teenagers.  The ones who sacrifice and do everything for their kids.  Where are the awards for the parents?  That is my rant every year as I choose to not tune in to the many awards shows and red carpets.  Nothing was different this year about my rant and the obligatory nod of agreement from My Wonderful Husband.  The Academy Awards came and went yesterday and today my husband reminded me of my award, my red carpet moment, my 15 minutes if you will.  I went to the kids' teacher conferences and when I came home and told My Wonderful Husband all of the complimentary things that the teachers said about our children - how well rounded they are, how polite and kind, how organized and how well they are doing academically, he looked at me and said, "There it is.  That's our Academy Award."  And he is right.  Our kids are our award.  I don't need a statue on my mantel, we have three awesome kids that we surely can take some credit for creating and teaching. They work hard for their honors and accomplishments, but surely they can share that spotlight just a bit with dear old mom and dad.  After all, it is Award show season after all.... :-)  

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