Monday, January 5, 2015

P365 - 2015 - Day 5 - And all was right with the world

P365 - 2015 - Day 5 - And all was right with the world

I have been adding "pins" to my 2015 Pinterest know that board of things I want to do, learn, or try, places to see, projects to work on... you name it.  Instead of a traditional list of resolutions, this is my new attempt at taking a new year to be a better me. :-)  One of the things on my "list" is to go up to the beach more often during the year.  I spend almost every day there once summer rolls around, but I tend to not get up there once the weather turns cold even though we are only two blocks away!  That needs to change.  Aside from the fact that I love the beach and it makes me happy, I am also on the search for driftwood, shells, and sea glass (although I never find any...that is going to change too ;-))  So today, before the kids got back from school, My Wonderful Husband, The Pooch and I went up to the beach for a short walk.  I found a ton of driftwood, The Pooch ran his heart out, and both My Wonderful Husband and I breathed in the salt air.  And all was right with the world.

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