Wednesday, June 18, 2014

P365 - 2014 - Day 169 - NO ONE is allowed to complain about the heat

P365 - 2014 - Day 169 - NO ONE is allowed to complain about the heat

When we walked outside this morning, the heat hit us in the face.  There were a couple of quick remarks about it being hot before I declared that NO ONE is allowed to complain about the heat.  I will simply say the words - Polar Vortex.  I am not generally a fan of winter but this past winter tested my resolve more than most winters.  It was not just cold, it was POLAR cold.  Let's let that sink in a minute.  Polar.  Ice. Snow. Below freezing temperatures.  It was torture for a self proclaimed summer girl like myself.  Twenty five layers to walk 3 feet to the bus stop.  Ice wells in our roof... do I need to rehash that one?  Gates swinging in the wind and hitting my face... it wasn't good I tell you.  I have been dreaming of warm weather for what seems like a million years.  So I declared this morning that there will be no complaints about the heat.  We will embrace it and hope for a Tropical Vortex. ;-)  So in that spirit, the kids came home from school, threw on their bathing suits and declared a full fledged war... a water gun war that is.  There was no time before practices for the beach so that was the best way to cool down.  :-)

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