Saturday, January 11, 2014

P365 - 2014 - Day 10 - Life is in the details...

P365 - 2014 - Day 10 - Life is in the details...

The days of My Wonderful Husband's winter break are drawing to a close.  We are trying to use all of our time wisely and get as much done in the house as we can to be ready to move back in.  Given the fact that our contractor seemed to be shortsighted in terms of budget, we took on a lot of the details ourselves.  When your contractor comes to you with a $3000 bill for "extra painting" that includes walls that were going to be demoed you have to reevaluate his planning.  When a 6-8 week project drags on to double that, you have to wonder if he knows how to finish a job, make a tight schedule, and tie up loose ends.  When you doubt that he can and you are tired of all of the "extras" that he conveniently forgot to budget from word go, you take things into your own hands.  At least, that's what you do if you have the time to do it, which, thank goodness, My Wonderful Husband and I did.  Paint, trim, doors, scheduling the last few things that needed to be's been all about the details for the past few weeks.  So, when I got the first two new interior doors painted and My Wonderful Husband got the new doorknobs on, I breathed a sigh of relief.  We are not done yet, there is some painting left to do, some trim to be completed, and a few more doors and doorknobs, but once again we are making progress.  We should be able to move back in and work on the rest - I like this part.... after all, life is in the details....

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