Saturday, July 13, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 194 - My summer position

P365 - 2013 - Day 194 - My summer position
 (photo credit - The Princess)

I am rarely in P365 (or any pictures for that matter) - My Wonderful Husband would tell you that is because I balk at the thought of anyone taking my picture or claim that the pictures stink and don't use them.   That is sort of true.... so in my effort to be more accepting of myself "now that I am getting older" ;-) I am going to try to allow photographic proof of my existence... hopefully someday my kids will then be able to look back at pictures and know that I was there too...haha  To this end, during this "the last week of my third decade" I am going to try to get in a picture each day if possible.  So here I am in my summer position...feet in the sand, watching the waves and my kids, soaking up the sun and the salt air. 

*I don't believe in aging.  I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun. - Virginia Woolfe*

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