Friday, February 1, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 32 - If I am tired, it must be time for you three to go to bed.

P365 - 2013 - Day 32 - If I am tired, it must be time for you three to go to bed.

My mom and I used to have this running joke over the years.  Whenever she was cold at night, she would put extra covers on me and whenever she was hot at night, she would take my covers off.  After years of doing that, it became a joke - it didn't matter if I was hot or cold...she was and therefore she was worried that I was too.  I have taken that joke a step further with my kids.  They know the drill.... I have added "If I am tired, it must be time for you three to go to bed."  Tonight was one of those nights.  They stayed up to watch a show they wanted to watch...but then I was getting awfully it must be bedtime. For the kids.  I know that this will not always work.  I realize just as bed times have gotten later over the years there will also come a point when these three may stay awake later than me.  But we aren't there yet.  I am tired.  The kids are in bed.  I am headed there soon myself.

*There never was a child so sweet, but his mother was glad to get him asleep. - Author Unknown*

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