Tuesday, December 31, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 365 - It was a good year

P365 - 2013 - Day 365 - It was a good year

I can hardly believe that it is the last day of 2013.  I feel like we were just ushering in this year and now we are preparing to wave it goodbye.  This year was full of big changes for our family - a move that brought us back home to NJ, a new school for the kids, a big renovation project, lots of packing and moving (more than our share), a new work routine for My Wonderful Husband, and many new friends for all of us.  I have said it before, but I think today of all days, it bears repeating - this was the best decision we ever made.  We followed our hearts and in turn, our hearts became truly full.  2013 was a year that we decided to live in and be more present in the moment.  It was a year in which we were determined to find our joy, take more leaps of faith, rid our lives of the negative, and harness the positive.  It was a year in which we took chances, rode the wave of life, and enjoyed the ride.  It was a good year.  It was, as I had wished for this time last year, a year full of positive changes, exciting endeavors, and time spent with family and friends.  It was a year where we were blessed with good health and happiness.  It was a year I am thankful for.  So as I stand in the doorway of 2013 about to close this door and open a new one for 2014, I am full of contentment for the past, peaceful in the present, and hopeful for the future.  Goodbye 2013 - you were good to us.  Hello 2014 and my wish for continued health and happiness.  

*Yesterdays are over my shoulder, so I can't look back for too long. There's just too much to see waiting in front of me and I know that I just can't go wrong... - Jimmy Buffett*

Monday, December 30, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 364 - floors!

P365 - 2013 - Day 364 - floors!

Our house finally has floors!!!!! We all ran over this afternoon like kids on Christmas morning to see the finished product.   I love it, love it, love it!!!   I can not wait to get back home!!!!

*Home is where we tie one end of the thread of life. - Martin Buxbaum*

Sunday, December 29, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 363 - Sport Super Fans

P365 - 2013 - Day 363 - Sport Super Fans

To say that these two are sports fans seems to be a gross understatement.  They are like sport super fans.  All sports.  All the time.  This is a genetic condition as far as I can tell.  I am married to a similar sport super fan.  All sports. All the time.  I realize that today there were some important football games on or something... I don't know really - all I know is that the television was monopolized, the boys were wearing jerseys for their favorite teams, none of the males in this house moved from the sofa (well except for when My Wonderful Husband was painting the house..) or heard anything I said, channels were being changed back and forth and there was a lot of shouting at the television.  My sport super fans had a great day. 

*It's the passion of the fans that helps win matches.... - Rafael Benitez*

Saturday, December 28, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 362 - My project

P365 - 2013 - Day 362 - My project

My project has been the railings. These existing railings needed a little TLC to be a part of the rest of the changes taking place in our house.  It was so nice to get in the house and take a little control back and do something myself!  I have been waaaaaay out of my comfort zone being at the mercy of contractors.  But with this project coming closer to an end (thank goodness)  I needed to take back some of that control and these railings were the perfect place to start.  So far they are primed - which took slightly longer than I expected... but they are primed and ready for paint.  I can not wait to finish this project and have brand new railings!  

*You can not control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude towards what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than letting it master you. - Brian Tracy*

P365 - 2013 - Day 361 - a small step

P365 - 2013 - Day 361 - a small step

It's a small step, but a step nonetheless.  A step towards a finished kitchen.  Our kitchen designer came to set the "kicks" to outline the cabinets before the flooring is installed.  Soon (hopefully sooner than later) the rest of our kitchen will be installed....It might not look like much right now, but given the amount of time I have been waiting for this, it looks a.maz.ing. to me.

*The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Lao Tzu*

P365 - 2013 - Day 360 - wasted no time

P365 - 2013 - Day 360 - wasted no time

My Wonderful Husband wasted no time getting back to painting the house right after Christmas. The first floor was primed and the ceilings were done before Christmas, so he got started on the wall paint in the kitchen and we now have a first coat of color on the walls in kitchen!  A few weeks ago we were in our friends' house and realized their walls were the perfect color that we had been looking for - so we asked if we could be copy cats! :-)  I am so happy with this color and can not wait to see it on the walls.  

*Grey has no agenda...Grey has the ability, that no other colour has, to make the invisible visible. -Roma Tearne*

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 359 - Christmas joy

P365 - 2013 - Day 359 - Christmas joy

This is Christmas joy.  The kids (led by The Princess) have been campaigning hard for an iPod. Well actually, she has been leading the parade for a cell phone but we put the kabosh on that one...so she peddled back and joined forces with her brothers for a full blown campaign for an iPod touch.  Letters were written to Santa, dissertations were given at dinner explaining the need for this device, and they were not above simply begging.  My Wonderful Husband and I heard their pleas, listened to their power point presentations (I jest...), and withstood their begging.  I was beginning to think that our children had secretly taken a job at Apple without my knowledge...which really wouldn't be a bad idea if it meant a company discount... either they were working for them or they had begun working in marketing and Apple was their newest client.  Am I painting a clear enough picture of the work that they put in to asking for this as a gift?  It was becoming exhausting. But My Wonderful Husband and I discussed it and decided that it would actually be a pretty good gift for them and we let Santa know we had this one... We held this off until all of the presents were opened (because, come on.. that was just fun...) and I wrapped them in large boxes with lots of filler inside so they had to dig.  But when they reached the bottom, the result was worth all of the dinner time conversations about the wonders of Apple.  It was worth it to see the look of joy on their faces and the great big hugs and thank yous...This was what Christmas joy looked like this morning and I am so glad I captured a picture of that moment.. but more importantly was the peace, love, and joy that the rest of the day contained with time spent together as a family.  Merry Christmas! xo

*The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. - Burton Hillis*

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

P365 - 2013- Day 358 - Merry Christmas Eve!

P365 - 2013 - Day 358 - Merry Christmas Eve!

We had the seven fish for dinner, exchanged family gifts, and left cookies and beer out for Santa.  I love that the kids still get excited about new jammies and robes, get as much joy out of giving gifts as they do from receiving them, leave great letters for Santa, and seem to really enjoy spending time together as a family.   Merry Christmas Eve!

*I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. - Charles Dickens* 

P365 - 2013 - Day 357 - favs

P365 - 2013 - Day 357 - favs

We debated having our traditional Christmas meals this year with everything just a little different...  But we decided that, for us, the food is too big of a part of the holiday to change.  So, while we dialed everything back a bit, we still have all of the favs for the day.  The meatballs are made and ready for a yummy Christmas gravy. 
*when you look back on all the Christmases in your life, you'll find you created family traditions and lasting memories.  Those memories, good and bad, are what help keep a family together over the long haul. - Caroline Kennedy*
when you look back on all the Christmases in your life, you'll find you've created family traditions and lasting memories. Those memories, good and bad, are really what help to keep a family together over the long haul
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/carolineke437794.html#HMpkbTjAcyToFMMV.99
when you look back on all the Christmases in your life, you'll find you've created family traditions and lasting memories. Those memories, good and bad, are really what help to keep a family together over the long haul
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/carolineke437794.html#HMpkbTjAcyToFMMV.99
when you look back on all the Christmases in your life, you'll find you've created family traditions and lasting memories. Those memories, good and bad, are really what help to keep a family together over the long haul
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/carolineke437794.html#HMpkbTjAcyToFMMV.99

P365 - 2013 - Day 356 - the stockings

P365 - 2013 - Day 356 - the stockings

The stockings are hung - finally.  Have I mentioned, perhaps a million times, how all of our stuff is all over the place? Stored here, put away there....I am out of my comfort zone for sure.  When we decided to decorate for Christmas at our home away from home, My Wonderful Husband found everything that we needed with the exception of the stockings.  But no worries, he finally found them and they are now hung on the railing with care. 

*The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicolas soon would be there.  - 'Twas the night before Christmas*

P365 - 2013 - Day 355 - these two

P365 - 2013 - Day 355 - these two

After a morning of basketball games, The Bear was off to a friend's birthday party and these two just hung out at the house together.  It was just a chillin' day - they actually played together with minimal arguing..... and just had fun.  I got photographic proof in case they wouldn't believe me when I reminded them of it later.. ;-)

*I smile because you're my sibling, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. - Unknown*

Friday, December 20, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 354 - Me and my elf posse

P365 - 2013 - Day 354 - Me and my elf posse

While the boys were with a friend after school playing in the park, The Princess and her friend were helping me finish up my Christmas baking. Me and my elf posse made the last batch of butter cookies!  Thanks elves:-)

*It's Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. - W.T. Ellis*

P365 - 2013 - Day 353 - handmade

P365 - 2013 - Day 353 - handmade

I mentioned before all of the ornaments on my tree that I love.  But I think my favorites are the ones that the kids make themselves.  I love to add new handmade ornaments to the tree each year and I honestly hope that my children always have special ornaments for me each year... hint, hint, hint.... ;-)
*Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.- Peg Bracken*

P365 - 2013- Day 352 - Holiday Concert

P365 - 2013 - Day 352 - Holiday Concert

The Princess joined chorus and she and The Bear both joined band this year.  They were very excited to show off all of their hard work at the holiday concert.  They did a great job and it was a wonderful holiday concert. 

*Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun. - Billy Gilman*

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 351 - this dog

P365 - 2013 - Day 351 - this dog

The Pooch is becoming more and more of a dog these days....this is favorite spot these days.  After the kids go to school and I set out for the gym, he crawls into his bed and that is where you can find him most of the day.  This dog has the life. 

*Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon. - Charles Schulz*

P365 - 2013 - Day 350 - something to look forward to

P365 - 2013 - Day 350 - something to look forward to

The temperatures dropped and the wind picked up and any thought of running outside went out the window....  But without a treadmill anymore, I needed to figure out a work out plan for the winter months.  So I joined a gym ..... I forgot how much I love to go to the gym.  Running is great and relaxing and solitary and a good work out but there is something about going to a gym that motivates me.  Now I have something to look forward to these cold winter months.  :-)

*Take care of your body - it's the only place you have to live. - Unknown*

P365 - 2013 - Day 349 - Great Sunday

P365 - 2013 - Day 349 - Great Sunday

We finally got out to see our friends who we haven't seen in months.  We were all happy to see them and thrilled that we finally live close enough that we can make a quick Sunday trip for lunch.  It was also nice to make the trip back Sunday evening and see My Wonderful Husband's bag empty!!! - because he is done for the semester and doesn't have to travel for a month!  Yeah!!  Great Sunday all the way around. :-)

*Set wide the window. Let me drink the day. - Edith Wharton*

Saturday, December 14, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 348 - could not be prouder

P365 - 2013 - Day 348 - could not be prouder

I wasn't home yesterday when the kids got home from school and then I was quickly off to my ladies night so this morning I was thrilled to see three Honor Roll certificates and three perfect attendance certificates for my three super kids!!!!  I could not be prouder of these three.   They each had their first basketball games of the season today as well and all scored.  They work hard at everything they do and they should be as proud of themselves as we are of them!!  xoxoxo

*We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future. Franklin D. Roosevelt*

P365 - 2013 - Day 347 - Ladies Night :-)

P365 - 2013 - Day 347 - Ladies Night :-)

What a fun Ladies Night with a great bunch of ladies! 

* *

Thursday, December 12, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 346 - December Flashback 2005

P365 - 2013 - Day 346 - December Flashback 2005
And there you have it.... my final Flashback picture is from December 2005.  The year that we became a family of five.  My loves, my heart, my life, my family.  xo
*While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. - Angela Schwindt*

P365 - 2013 - Day 345 - Please slow down

P365 - 2013 - Day 345 - Please slow down

I was able to see The Boy and his third grade class perform a flutaphone/chorus concert at school.  As I sat and watched and listened I couldn't help but think... third grade?  How did we get here?  It seems like yesterday that I was in his preschool class.  I had a strong urge to throw my hands up in the air and scream "Stop! Slow down!"  This is going too fast for me.  A minute ago, I had three babies in the house...playing dress up and watching Disney movies. Then I blinked - I swear I only blinked - and I have three big kids and my "littlest Leonard" became a third grader!  The holidays always make me sentimental and slightly emotional... and they also have a tendency to show the passing of time in sharp contrasting strokes.  So, while I loved watching this concert at the same time I felt like it was a soundtrack to a movie playing in my head....of memories and Christmases past and chubby cheeks and baby feet .... so I snapped this picture to add to that movie - my third grade baby.  Now, please slow down. 

*But the wild things cried, “Oh please don’t go - we’ll eat you up - we love you so!"- Maurice Sendak*

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 344 -what better time

P365 - 2013 - Day 344 - what better time

We had a snow day today... but no snow.  The reports were calling for snow to start falling mid morning, so school ended up being cancelled.  Equally fortunately and unfortunately - it never really snowed... it was more of a wet rainy, snowy mess... but we had three children home and no snow to go out and play in.  What better time to enlist the help of the troops in some cookie making!  I put them to work and the three of them made the batter for the thumbprints, then rolled them and pressed them.  I filled them and baked them and they came out great!  They did a wonderful job reading the recipe and following the directions and I think they were pretty proud of the way the cookies turned out. 

*This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun. - Julia Child*

Monday, December 9, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 343 - borrowed

P365 - 2013 - Day 343 - borrowed
This was my "borrowed view today" in my "borrowed kitchen" with my "borrowed cookie press"....I began operation Christmas cookies with the help of My Wonderful Husband then finished up while watching him surf outside the window.  Thanks to my friend for the borrowed cookie press - that was a Christmas save for sure! I still can't believe that she had the exact same one that I have packed away...somewhere...  Thanks to my other friend for the borrowed kitchen and view - it made the cookie making process awesome! 

*Sometimes me think, "What is friend?" and then me say, "Friend is someone to share the last cookie with." - Cookie Monster*

Sunday, December 8, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 342 - snowing

P365 - 2013 - Day 342 - snowing

It's snowing. Wish we were back in our house for this...but I took a walk over to check on everything and get a quick picture of our house in the first snow of the season.  Now, hopefully we won't get any ice and this fluffy, cold stuff will melt quickly and nothing will hold up the work that is scheduled for this week.  It is welcome to snow again once we are settled back in there comfy and cozy.

*One winter morning Peter woke up and looked out the window. Snow had fallen during the night. It covered everything as far as he could see. - Ezra Jack Keats, The Snowy Day*

P365 - 2013 - Day 341 - getting our Christmas spirit on

P365 - 2013 - Day 341 - getting our Christmas spirit on

We spent the day, getting our Christmas spirit on!  We went to the Ship Bottom Christmas parade in the afternoon and the Beach Haven tree lighting at night.  It was a lot of fun!
*Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind. - Mary Ellen Chase*

P365 - 2013 - Day 340 - silly elves

P365 - 2013 - Day 340 - silly elves

Isabelle, Burke, and Barnes are up to their antics again.  When the kids woke up to get ready for school, they found the sunroom covered in toilet paper and those silly elves hanging around....

*Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.
Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies!- Francis Pharcellus Church (New York Sun 1897)*

P365 - 2013 - Day 339 - Our Christmas Tree

P365 - 2013 - Day 339 - Our Christmas Tree

A friend of mine recently commented that her tree is a "3D scrapbook" and it got me thinking.  I love that! I never thought of it that way, but that is exactly what our tree is as well.  I am sure there are people who love their Christmas trees to be perfect with matching beautiful ornaments.  That is nice but it's just not my thing.  I like our tree to tell a story.  It tells the story of our family...special dates, big events, births, trips, favorite places, special people, special pets, favorite teams, crafty and store bought, ornaments we picked and ornaments that we received as gifts.  I have an ornament that I painted all by myself in first grade and a "babysitter" ornament that was given to me in 1987.  I have yearly ornaments that date back to the 70's and ornaments from each year of my children's lives.  We have a special crab ornament from when we lived in Maryland, Disney and Hershey ornaments to commemorate our trips, a special ornament that our friends gave us with our "blog names", ornaments from my parents' trip to Italy, and bells that were rung at our wedding.  Every year, when we begin the task of decorating the tree, I get sentimental.  It's one of those visuals of the passing of time....as my friend said, a 3 dimensional scrapbook of our lives.  I love our Christmas tree and the memories it shares every Christmas. 
*When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things - not the great occasions - give off the greatest glow of happiness. - Bob Hope*

P365 - 2013 - Day 338 - Special Visitor to Campus

P365 - 2013 - Day 338 - Special Visitor to Campus
(Guest Blogger - My Wonderful Husband)

It was a big day on campus today, I was moderator for a panel on preventing genocide and this included a visit from the United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng.  This topic remains one of the primary reasons why I pursued my Ph.D. and I hope that this event inspired many of the students on campus to work towards the prevention of future genocides and mass atrocities.  This was quite a special event for our students and the campus community and I was honored to be a participant.

“The West's post-Holocaust pledge that genocide would never again be tolerated proved to be hollow, and for all the fine sentiments inspired by the memory of Auschwitz, the problem remains that denouncing evil is a far cry from doing good.” Philip Gourevitch

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 337 - Tuesday Communication

P365 - 2013 - Day 337 - Tuesday Communication

This is what our Tuesday communications have come to....tagging statuses.  In my defense, this was BIG news.  Walls!  I repeat, walls!! 

*You cannot not communicate. - Paul Watzlawik*

Monday, December 2, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 336 - They have arrived!

P365 - 2013 - Day 336 - They have arrived!

They have arrived!  Burke, Isabelle, and Barnes.  Now the party can start...now Christmas is really here.  They needed a map to find us today, but they did find us.  I wonder what these crazy elves will be up to this month. 

*Believe in the magic of Christmas! - Unknown*

Sunday, December 1, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 335 - The Christmas season has begun

P365 - 2013 - Day 335 - The Christmas season has begun

We went to get our Christmas tree today.  We have always cut our Christmas trees since the first year we were married.  We were not sure if we were going to cut a tree this year since we are downsizing the decorating while we are staying in our friends' home.  But we decided today to keep the tradition alive and try to find a new tree farm.  It turned out that we didn't actually cut a tree at this farm because they had a fresh delivery of cut trees that were the perfect smaller size to do the trick this year.  I think next year when we are in our house I will want to put up two trees and start decorating in October to make up for downsizing this year, but for right now, this is perfect.  We came home and decorated the tree and added a few lights outside on the railing and voila! The Christmas season has begun. 

*I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month. - Harlan Miller*

Saturday, November 30, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 334 - Get Sandy race

P365 - 2013 - Day 334 - Get Sandy race

I ran the Get Sandy race in Beach Haven today with my two friends.  It was a great way to wrap up a month of thankfulness and a lovely holiday weekend.  We all crossed the finish line at different times, but cross the finish line we did.  :-)

*In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that.
-Fred Lebow*

Friday, November 29, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 333 - Be Merry!

P365 - 2013 - Day 333 - Be Merry!

I am not going to lie.  I wanted my house to be done for Christmas.  I wanted to have everything put back together so we could decorate our new home and continue our holiday traditions.... But it appears that we are not going to be back in the house for Christmas.  I came to terms with this the other day and decided that I could either be upset and miss out on all of the moments that will come this holiday season whether we are in the house or not, or I could pull on my big girl pants and get over it and just enjoy those moments.  I love Christmas.  I love everything that leads up to Christmas, not just the day.  I do love the decorating - and while we will be downsizing our decorating while we stay in our friends' house, we will still make it festive.  I enjoy making cookies and when I mentioned to my neighbor last night that the one problem was my cookie press was packed away and hard to get to at the moment, it turned out that she had the exact same one and offered it to me to use - so cookie making, here I come!  I enjoy all of the fun things you can do before Christmas and one thing I have been wanting to do for years has been to see Santa come in on the boat in Barnegat Light - so tonight we went with friends to welcome the big, jolly guy and the Mrs. to LBI.  I couldn't help but feel merry and festive just seeing that red suit.  Things might be a bit different this year, but we are making some new traditions along with tweaking some of the old ones for an adventurous Christmas - the important part is we are together.  But hey if Santa has any pull and can get the house done quicker.... I am not above putting that on my list this year.  Either way... Christmas is still on it's way and it is time to Be Merry!

*Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent Peale*

Thursday, November 28, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 332 - From our turkeys to yours

P365 - 2013 - Day 332 - From our turkeys to yours

We started the day with a family brunch, watching the Macy's parade together, and sharing our "thankful thoughts" from the thankful jar.  Then we went to our neighbors' house to share Thanksgiving with our two families.  We feel lucky and blessed to have them as neighbors and friends and we are thankful for a wonderful day spent together! 
Happy Thanksgiving from our turkeys to yours!

*If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share. - W. Clement Stone*

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 331 - dishes to share

P365 - 2013 - Day 331 - dishes to share

It's the day before Thanksgiving and that means food prep.  Thankfully we were able to find my "family recipe" binder yesterday so I could make some of my Thanksgiving dishes to share with our friends tomorrow who were kind enough to invite us over and include us in their holiday.  I made my stuffing, my sweet potato casserole, and my fresh cranberry/pear sauce.  I also suggested our annual rum punch and I look forward to sharing a meal and a toast to good friends and a wonderful holiday season!

*Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. - W.T. Purkiser*

P365 - 2013 - Day 330 - get home

P365 - 2013 - Day 330 - get home

My Wonderful Husband only had one day of teaching this week.  That meant a lot of driving for only one day.. he did decide that it was best to stay Monday night instead of doing all of the driving in one day.  Instead he opted for staying the night and leaving early the next morning.  Traffic and an impeding storm would not deter him - he was ready to get home and get home he did!!  A day and half earlier than normal and ready to start the Thanksgiving break!

*Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave but not our hearts. - Oliver Wendell Holmes*

Monday, November 25, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 329 - blurry dot

P365 - 2013 - Day 329 - blurry dot

Waaaaayyy back on Monday October 7th, the picture of the day was entitled Day 1 Phase 2.  Remember waaaay back then when we were still blissfully believing that this was a 4-6 week project?  Ahh, what novices.  What positive thinking fools we were.  Here we are 7 weeks from that day with the finish line still a blurry dot off in the distance.  To be fair (as well as to not stress myself out even further )- that blurry dot has gotten much clearer....but we are still looking at a few more weeks to finish this project.  So today, when I went to check out the house and the insulation had been started with inspection scheduled for Wednesday, I was elated!  Where there is insulation there will be walls and walls make that blurry dot look much clearer.  The past 7 weeks have gone incredibly fast, we have been lucky enough to stay at a friend's house that is on the next block, the kids schedule and My Wonderful Husband's routine have kept us all busy, and we have wonderful friends who invited us to share Thanksgiving with them this week.  So all that being said, it really hasn't been bad and in the big scheme of things it is a very short period of time in our lives and  more importantly we chose to do this - this was our hair brained idea.  So, when I catch myself getting irritated or starting to complain I try to dial it back.  That dot will be here soon enough - we will see the finish line flags before we know it and we will finally be home soon enough. 

*How often I have lain beneath rain on a strange roof, thinking of home. - William Faulkner*

Sunday, November 24, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 328 - one of my jobs...

P365 - 2013 - Day 328 - one of my jobs...

At dinner tonight we were talking about bullying.  So I asked The Princess what she would do, how she would handle it...and she said, "I can stand up for myself.  I have you as a mother after all."  Now, I am still fighting this bug and I am not at the top of my game... but I did request some clarification on this comment... I wanted to be sure that she was not insinuating that I was in fact a bully.... ;-)  "No" she clarified... "You know how to stand up for yourself."  I was pretty proud of this comment.   I have worked pretty hard in my life to learn how to stand up for myself... it has been a 40 year struggle at times... but to hear that my daughter sees that I do stand up for myself and that she has learned that from me is quite a gift.  Seriously, I feel like one of my jobs are done.  I think that is an important lesson to learn in life.  She went on to say, "I'm awesome" - this kid has no shortage in the self esteem area... but one raised eyebrow look from her mama and she amended her comment.. "Oh right, I am Junior Awesome." That's right....I have indeed taught her well.  ;-) 

*And though she be but little, she is fierce. - Shakespeare*

P365 - 2013 - Day 327 - third grader

P365 - 2013 - Day 327 - third grader
I ended up sick - fever, cough, aches, the whole 9 yards.  I was annoyed especially because we had to cancel a dinner with our friends...  I slept the day away and woke up to the sound of this flutaphone.... I almost forgot we have a third grader in the house once again and he is now the proud owner of his very own flutaphone (The Bear and The Princess called it a recorder..same difference..)  I appreciated waking to this lovely serenade. (which included a clarinet as well... but no trumpet this time.. it needs to be repaired.)
*Music is the medicine of the mind. John A. Logan*

Saturday, November 23, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 326 - movie date

P365 - 2013 - Day 326 - movie date

My Wonderful Husband and I had a mid day movie date to see the new Hunger Games movie.  It was a great movie and a nice day... except by dinner time my "little tickle" of a cough had turned into a full fledged fever of 100.2 - ironically, I guess I was actually the "girl on fire"..... cheap joke, I know.    I was freezing and achy and generally not feeling good.  Glad I got to see the movie before the flu hit me. 

*May the odds be ever you in your favor. - Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games*

P365 - 2013 - Day 325 - American Education Week

P365 - 2013- Day 325 - American Education Week

It was American Education Week and we are finally in a school that acknowledges that and gives parents the opportunity to go in and observe in the classroom.  My Wonderful Husband and I were very happy to be able to sit in on all three of our children's classes - a language arts class for The Princess, a math class for The Bear, and a reading group for The Boy.  It was nice to see our children in the classroom environment and watch their teachers in action. 

*A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart. - Unknown*

P365 - 2013 - Day 324 - basketball pose

P365 - 2013 - Day 324 - basketball pose
The Boy had his first basketball practice and I forgot to get a picture of him out on the court.  So when we got home, I asked him to give me a good basketball pose - this was what I got....  ;-) 

*Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.  - John Wooden*

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 323 - What Tuesday really looks like

P365 - 2013 - Day 323 - What Tuesday really looks like
(Guest Blogger - My Wonderful Husband)

So this academic year Tuesday's blog has been pictures from my point of view.  I have shown beautiful pictures of campus (actually both campuses), where I stay, what I eat and other niceties of my Tuesday.  Well I thought this week I would show what the bulk of my Tuesday looks like--Blackboard!  That hated electronic entry way to class lists, assignments and worst of all GRADING.  The Thai food is always good on Tuesday and maybe I can find a place to grade with a view, but in the end this is what Tuesday looks like through my eyes--a computer, Blackboard and lots of grading.

*Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.  - Abigail Adams*

Monday, November 18, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 322 - Bring on the hoops

P365 - 2013 - Day 322 - Bring on the hoops

Yesterday we finished soccer and today we were already at basketball (well in the spirit of full disclosure, we were at basketball last Monday too, but I wasn't because I still had to get The Boy to soccer...)  But today I was there - The Bear and The Princess are on the same team and had practice tonight and I will be there again Wednesday for The Boy's practice... because this is our new routine.. our new schedule - we are now in basketball season.   Bring on the hoops.

*I love basketball because you could be having a rough day in your life and while you’re on the court it gives you a clear mind. I’m not worried about anything. I’m there just playing freely and I go out there to have fun. - Derrick Rose*

Sunday, November 17, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 321 - 7 - 2 - 1 and 5 -2 - 3 season records

P365 - 2013 - Day 321 - 7 - 2 - 1 and 5 -2 - 3 season records

The Bear and The Boy each played their last games of the season today and both teams finished in second place for their flights.  The Strykers ended their season with a  7 - 2- 1 record and The Cannons with a 5 - 2 - 3 record.  The Bear had 13 goals this season - playing center midfield.  The Boy had his first season in defense playing left D - when he was on the field, the other team never got to the goal.  I am super proud of both of my boys!! 

*I am not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well. More important than that, I feel an endless need to learn, to improve, to evolve, not only to please the coach and the fans, but also to feel satisfied with myself. It is my conviction that there are no limits to learning, and that it can never stop, no matter what our age. - Cristiano Ronaldo*

P365 - 2013 - Day 320 - 8 - 2 - 0 season record

P365 - 2013 - Day 320 -  8 - 2 - 0 season record

After many seasons of My Wonderful Husband coaching all three kids, this season he only coached The Princess and her team - The Superstars.  They were a great group of girls, who worked hard, learned a lot, had fun and finished with a 8 - 2 - 0 season record.  The Princess had a personal season high of 26 goals!  I am proud of her, her team, and their coach!  Great season!

*Many people say I am the best women's soccer player in the world.  I don't think so.  And because of that, someday I just might be. - Mia Hamm*

Saturday, November 16, 2013

P365 - 2013 - Day 319 - color of sea glass

P365 - 2013 - Day 319 - color of sea glass

This is how I envision our front door...I want to bring a bit of the ocean right to the threshold of our home.  I have been picturing a blue in my mind, looking at pictures and paint charts trying to find the right shade.  I have envisioned the color of sea glass glistening in the sun....  I think the brown of the house will look like driftwood next to the blue of the door.  I think I may have found the color....

*Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be a part. - Hermann Broch*

P365 - 2013 - Day 318 - lights

P365 - 2013 - Day 318 - lights

This is what the majority of the inside of our house looks like right now.  Drywall down, ceilings exposed, wires hanging.... If you know anything about me at all, you will already be wondering if I am ok... am I keeping it together?  The house is a mess.  More importantly, this is all completely out of my hands.  Those two things combined are not a good recipe for my stress levels.  But I took several deep breaths this week.  Even when I received the bill from the electrician for the "extras" and I thought I might have to pay him with my first born child.  I took so many deep breaths, if you saw me, you may have been wondering if I was in fact having difficulty breathing.  In the end, we worked it out (sort of), we realized that the electrical system in the house is actually kind of important, and ultimately I wanted the electrician to get started so he could get finished.  So, when we went in to the house at the end of this work day and saw this scene where the fuse box once was, I took another deep breath and crossed my fingers that this part of the job will be done soon and more importantly, that it will be done well.  I look forward to turning on the lights in our house soon! 

*I see myself at a crossroads in my life, mapless, lacking bits of knowledge - then the moon breaks through, lights up the path before me... - John Geddes*

P365 - 2013 - Day 317 - Photo Bomb

P365 - 2013 - Day 317 - Photo Bomb

This post and picture was originally going to be about The Boy..reading..how I love that my kids love to read.  But The Pooch clearly had another plan.  Just as I was snapping the picture of The Boy, The Pooch performed a perfect Photo Bomb by sitting up right into the picture.  Clearly he feels underrepresented in P365.  ;-)

*Dogs are going to take over the world. - Mike Dirnt*