Saturday, December 1, 2012

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 336 - 'tis the Season

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 336 - 'tis the Season

We went to the tree farm today - an annual tradition that My Wonderful Husband and I started the first year we were married.  This year, our new puppy joined the ranks and together we all searched for the perfect tree.  I remember the Christmases when it was just me and My Wonderful Husband at a pretty tree farm in Maryland - then the year I was pregant with The Bear and The Princess - which had to be the fastest we ever picked out a tree...there was about 2 feet of snow that year.  I stood at the top of the hill and said - "That one looks good."  Then their first Christmas when again there was tons of snow and we had two buddled up babies we were carrying through a new tree farm - we wondered that year if it was the best idea - but we found a tree and our tradition was intact.  But for the past 9 Christmases we have been going to Seven Springs Tree Farm, first with two little ones, then another year with me pregant with The Boy making it a short trip and a quick pick, then three little ones.... Finally we had three kids not only big enough to walk but big enough to start to help with the search and eventually even help a bit in the cutting.  Sixteen Christmases so far and each year a new adventure and another beautiful tree to bring home and decorate.  'tis the Season!

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