Wednesday, May 2, 2012

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 123 - Boo Boo Paw....

P365 (+1) - 2012 - Day 123 - Boo Boo Paw...

The Boy has a "boo boo paw";-)....  Yesterday at recess he fell off of the monkey bars (have I mentioned how much I hate those things?) and "landed funny" on his wrist.  I am not exactly sure what that means, but it isn't swollen, there is no bruise, and it looks quite intact to me.  All that being said, it hurts him -we iced it yesterday and this morning we wrapped it in a bandage to keep it stable so that it would hurt a bit less.  Even still, he is nursing it quite a bit.....  I am certain that he did do something, but I am not sure that he did much....but I don't want to assume that he isn't hurt... but sometimes he can be a bit ...uhhh... dramatic.  He is "second generation dramatic"... the story of me hurting my arm when I was about 5 (it was not broken and showed no signs of damage)  and holding it clutched to my body for days was that of legend in my family.  So I see it from both sides.... so  I am keeping an eye on that "paw" and if a bandage and some TLC is what he needs then so be it.

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