Friday, September 2, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 245 - One Fun Ride

PROJECT 365 - Day 245 - One Fun Ride

We took two cars out to the beach this weekend because My Wonderful Husband needs to stay and take Poppy for a procedure on Wednesday and the kids and I are going back home so they can get back for school.  So I drove the car with The Bear and My Wonderful Husband drove with The Princess and The Boy.  Since the DVD player went with the majority in the van, The Bear and I had to make our own entertainment.  For the first couple of hours we just talked.  Even as the mother of  two 8 year olds and a 6 year old, I am wise enough to understand that I should treasure and cherish these moments when my son can sit for hours in a car with his mom talking about his day at school, his friends, what he wants to be for Halloween, and so many other topics.  This kid had a lot to say tonight.  He talked about his teachers and how much he likes them.  He practiced his multiplication tables.  We talked about how is excited to learn about history in school and I learned that he really wants to visit the battlefields at Gettysburg.  We talked about when he was a baby and laughed about some of the things that I am certain I was not laughing about then.  He even asked me serious questions.... he has heard about 9-11 and wanted to know more about it and where I was when this happened.  Then we talked about silly things and really laughed out loud about some of his Halloween costume ideas... stay tuned for that....  Then we finally turned on some tunes and rocked out a bit.  Luckily my taste in music runs from Jimmy Buffett to Kesha and everything in between, so my iPod was able to entertain him.  One thing about having three kids, you tend to always have a group dynamic, which is of course fun and keeps things lively.  But those moments when one of us gets one of the kids by themselves is always a treat, even if it's in a 3 1/2  hour car ride to NJ.  This is one special guy we have and this was one fun ride tonight!

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