Sunday, July 24, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 205 - Ocean is open!

PROJECT 365 - Day 205 - Ocean is open!

Our friends came for a visit today.  When they got here, I had to give them the bad news that the beach was full of flies and we would have to wait out the wind to see if we could go up there. On my run  this morning,  I actually saw a woman coming off of the beach almost in tears swatting flies.  It wasn't looking good.  Eventually the wind turned and we were able to go up to the beach only to find out that the lifeguards had called everyone out of the water because of thunder!  Ugh.  But it was cooler by the ocean, the flies were bearable, and we were willing to wait it out.  The kids found their friends and started playing.  My Wonderful Husband and my friend's husband were roped into a football toss with the kids.  Then we all heard the best sound - the lifeguard blew his whistle and motioned that the ocean was open!!!  There was an immediate rush of bodies towards the water!   I missed the photo opportunity of the lifeguard whistling and pointing to the water (I considered asking him to reenact it but decided against it).  Seriously, it was a powerful moment....;-) haha  Even though it went on to rain, stop raining, and rain again, we had a fun visit with our friends that ended with a stop at Skipper Dipper.  We hope to see them soon!

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