Sunday, July 31, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 212 - If you dig it....

PROJECT 365 - Day 212 - If you dig it....

Fact: If you dig a hole on the beach, children will flock to it.  

I don't know what it is about holes on the beach, but they really do attract children likes moths to a flame.  We have experienced this as the diggers of the hole in the past.  But today we experienced this from the other perspective.  Another group on the beach had dug a very large hole that our children could not help but investigate.  The Boy excitedly came and told me "Mommy, those people dug a big hole and they are letting us play in it!!"  Not only did these people let our children play in the fantastic hole (which was the biggest hole I have ever seen), they also helped them add details to this hole.  They made chairs, stairs, and a sofa, a bathroom (don't ask the obvious question), a television - this was no ordinary hole on the beach.  This occupied quite possibly, hours of their time on the beach and part of that time was spent sitting on the "chairs" or laying on the "sofa".  The things that amuse kids sometimes amaze me. 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 211 - Hanging at the Skipper Dipper....

PROJECT 365 - Day 211 - Hanging at the Skipper Dipper...

Guess whose art work is hanging at the Skipper Dipper?  The Bear, The Princess, and The Boy all drew beautiful and creative pictures of the Skipper and brought them over tonight.  The "authorized dippers"  immediately hung them up on the refrigerator!

Friday, July 29, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 210 - Watching the storm roll in....

PROJECT 365 - Day 210 - Watching the storm roll in....

We looked outside and saw the dark clouds moving quickly.  We went out on the deck to watch the storm roll in.   The sky was darker than dark, the lightening was illuminating the sky over the bay and reflecting in the windows of all of the houses, and the thunder cracks were rattling the house. We were watching the storm roll in and then we ran inside when it was upon us! ;-)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 209 - That's how these kids roll...

PROJECT 365 - Day 209 -That's how these kids roll...

The music was pumping down in the playroom today - it was a dance party complete with an Olivia Newton John headband on The Boy, fancy gymnastic outfits for the girls and a mini flashlight.  That's how these kids roll. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 208 - Corn Smiles :-)

PROJECT 365 - Day 209 - Corn Smiles:-)

Local PA corn from the farm down the road....Yum!  Big corn smiles :-))

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 207 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

PROJECT 365 - Day 207 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

These two cuties spent the day playing, singing, dancing, and having a great time together. :-)  Their theme song today should have been Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

PROJECT 365 -- Day 206 - Back in PA (for now)

PROJECT 365 - Day 206 - Back in PA (for now)

We came home today and as we were getting out of the van the other garage door started to open on it's own (not really....our neighbors had the remote while we were gone)  The kids ran to investigate and had a loud and joyful reunion with their best bud (remember Neighbor Girl? :-))  We have been gone a while and these kiddos had some catching up to do!  Pretty soon we had Neighbor Girl and her two brothers over playing in the playroom and My Wonderful Husband and I got to catch up with their parents too.  Golf plans were times were set....sleep overs were discussed.  It was a warm welcome and really made my heart smile:-) 
I love being at the beach.  I love being back on my home turf in Jersey.  I love being closer to family and getting to see friends that we don't always get to see.  But we are really lucky to have some great friends here in PA who miss us and welcome us back home.  It's good to be back in PA (for now).  :-)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 205 - Ocean is open!

PROJECT 365 - Day 205 - Ocean is open!

Our friends came for a visit today.  When they got here, I had to give them the bad news that the beach was full of flies and we would have to wait out the wind to see if we could go up there. On my run  this morning,  I actually saw a woman coming off of the beach almost in tears swatting flies.  It wasn't looking good.  Eventually the wind turned and we were able to go up to the beach only to find out that the lifeguards had called everyone out of the water because of thunder!  Ugh.  But it was cooler by the ocean, the flies were bearable, and we were willing to wait it out.  The kids found their friends and started playing.  My Wonderful Husband and my friend's husband were roped into a football toss with the kids.  Then we all heard the best sound - the lifeguard blew his whistle and motioned that the ocean was open!!!  There was an immediate rush of bodies towards the water!   I missed the photo opportunity of the lifeguard whistling and pointing to the water (I considered asking him to reenact it but decided against it).  Seriously, it was a powerful moment....;-) haha  Even though it went on to rain, stop raining, and rain again, we had a fun visit with our friends that ended with a stop at Skipper Dipper.  We hope to see them soon!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 204 - He is really growing up!

PROJECT 365 - Day 204 - He is really growing up!

I didn't forget about this guy - he needed a "remember when" day too.  He would sit in that chair and play with his "sand toys" but never, ever touch the sand that summer.  He also would not even consider going near the water.  Now he is usually covered in sand that he'll wash off when he jumps in the ocean to swim or boogie board or surf. 
Today, The Boy tried the Flow Rider at the water park just like his big brother and Daddy.  His act of bravery even inspired me to give it a try and in turn, my act of bravery inspired The Princess to give it a go!  
He is really growing up!  My little baby is such a big boy now!

Friday, July 22, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 203 - I am not complaining....

PROJECT 365 - Day 203 - I am not complaining....

Let me just say that I am not complaining.  This picture was taken at around 8 pm.  In the shade.  I was merely documenting an observation with a photograph.  In case you were not on the east coast was a little hot.  Now, I spent the winter (part of the fall and some of the spring) complaining about the cold temperatures and the flippin' flappin' snow, so let me be clear, I am not complaining about the heat.  We are lucky enough to be braving the hot temperatures near the ocean, so I am really not complaining.  But, seriously, it was hot today.  Just sayin'. ;-)))  Happy Summer to all!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 202 - A real, live seahorse....

PROJECT 365 - Day 202 - A real, live seahorse...

Today we went to the bay for the Sea Critter Round Up which is organized by Alliance for a Living Ocean (a great LBI organization).  They give the kids the opportunity to take out the seining net and then explore all of the sea critters that they find in the net.  This year, the bay seemed to be teaming with SEAHORSES!  It was cool to see all of the sea critters and learn more about the bay and how to keep the coastal environment healthy.  But seeing a real live seahorse was definitely a highlight! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 201 - Happy Birthday to me!

PROJECT 365 - Day 201 - Happy Birthday to me!

To celebrate my "25th" birthday (the kids continue to remind me that I am actually 38.... given their darn math skills, they aren't buying this 25 thing...rats!)  we went out to lunch, spent the afternoon on the beach, and went out for a special dessert.  Yes, we are roasting marshmallows and making s'mores....:-)))  Happy Birthday to me!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 200 - Pretty Nails

PROJECT 365  - Day 200 - Pretty Nails

As a little early happy birthday to me, The Princess and I went to the spa to get manicures and pedicures.  Nothing like a little girl time and pretty nails!  


Monday, July 18, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 199 - Beach Bunny!

PROJECT 365 - Day 199 - Beach Bunny!

In keeping with my trip down memory's picture of The Princess instantly reminded me of a similar picture of her.  Always ready to pop out that hip, tilt that head and strike a pose - I might be partial, but that is one pretty little beach bunny! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 198 - Beach Buds!

PROJECT 365 - Day 198 - Beach Buds!

The 93rd Street gang.  The PeaHolla! Crew.  These beach buds know how to have some fun!  Here's wishing summer could last forever!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 197 - Good as new!

PROJECT 365 - Day 197 - Good as new!

What started as a nice afternoon on the beach with friends went downhill when The Princess ate a peanut butter filled pretzel.  She thought she would give it a try even though she doesn't care for peanut butter but it turns out that she, like The Boy, does not just dislike peanut butter but has a bit of an allergy or sensitivity to it.  She started feeling yucky on the beach so her and I headed back home.  Once there, she threw up and almost immediately started feeling better and more like herself.  She showered, put on her Tweety Bird night gown and chilled on the couch.  Good as new.....but no more peanut butter! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 196 - Time does fly....

PROJECT 365 - Day 196 -  Time does fly....

I seem to be on a nostalgic kick this month....  But watching The Bear out skim boarding today made me think of the days of him running in and out of the lapping waves yelling and laughing.  I can not believe how the time does fly...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 195 - Lovins

PROJECT 365 - Day 195 - Lovins

The Puppy is not a puppy anymore.  She hasn't been feeling herself these days.   The tumor has grown back on her leg and she has been losing weight and throwing up. :-(  I do not like to acknowledge that she is almost 14.  
The Boy and The Puppy have always had a special bond since he was a baby.  Sometimes I would find him laying on her like a pillow in front of the TV.  If you know this dog, you know how unbelievable that is.  So when asked what he was doing sitting outside the back door on the deck petting The Puppy he just said, "Giving her some lovins."  Good plan.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 194 - The Face of Bravery

PROJECT 365 - Day 194 - The Face of Bravery

The Boy has never been a big fan of rides.  We have told him that it doesn't matter - he does not have to go on rides.  So he has stuck to his cars and boats and stayed clear of roller coasters and any other fast or "scary" ride.   Well, this summer he is 6 years old and it seems that 6 is the summer of trying new things.  Tonight when we went to Fantasy Island, he decided he was going to ride the dragon roller coaster.  The Bear and The Princess were thrilled and wanted him to ride with them, but he chose a safer option and asked his Daddy to ride with him. ;-)  He did it!!!!  He rode the coaster and confronted his fear!  That is the face of bravery right there!!!! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 193 - West Winds

PROJECT 365 - Day 193 - West Winds

When we would teach weather, I remember using the expression, "Wind out of the west is best.  Wind out of the east is a beast."  Who ever came up with that expression to explain weather was not referring to the beach and was definitely not on an island.  Especially this island.  Here, when you see the flags being blown from west winds out of the bay, you can be sure that your stay at the beach will be short.  Unless you can stay in the water the whole time and move quickly on and off of the beach.  Those darn west winds bring with them the dreaded green head flies!  
Our walk to the beach today was pretty much just that, a walk to the beach and home.  I prefer to not be food for the flies and The Princess and The Boy agreed and left with me.  The Bear stayed with his daddy for some surfing but they didn't last much longer....the west winds also blew in some cold water.  We look forward to seeing those flags blowing in the opposite direction soon. :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 192 - Summer wardrobe ;-)

PROJECT 365 - Day 192 - Summer wardrobe ;-)

Today after a little lunch at The Chegg, My Wonderful Husband took the kids to the book store and I went bikini shopping.  (just about my favorite thing besides purse shopping ;-) ) I have a favorite shop on the island where the owner makes the bathing suits and I have quite a collection of her bikinis.  Today,  I found two new bikinis - I was going to only buy one...but then The Princess came in to give me her opinion on which she liked better and she said I should get both.  (Clearly I am training her well)  My Wonderful Husband liked both as well and agreed with The Princess - get both!  Well, if you twist my arm......;-) My summer wardrobe is complete! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 191 - Oh, how far we have come....

PROJECT 365 - Day 191 - Oh, how far we have come....

When I looked at this picture I took of the kids today and thought about our days on the beach this summer, I couldn't help but think.....Oh, how far we have come!  I remember going to the beach with three babies.  Now we take three big kids up to the beach. I remember not bringing chairs with us when we went up to the beach because it was rare that we ever got to sit down.  I remember napping babies, crying kids (let's be honest here), one who hated sand and was afraid of water.  I remember potty training summers.  I remember taking the kids in the water and standing in ankle deep water with whoever was too afraid to go in further.  I remember digging holes for them (ok, that was a Daddy job), filling buckets of water, and building sand castles.  Now, when we go to the beach, they boogie board ,swim, skim, surf, and play with friends all over the beach.  They dig their own holes and build their own castles.  We stay for hours and no one naps!  ;-)  My Wonderful Husband and I not only bring chairs, but sit in them and READ BOOKS!!!  We even all swim together and have fun.   I truly enjoy watching my "babies" love the beach as much as their Daddy and I do.  It continues to amaze me how far we have come. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 190 - Beach Days and Fun Nights

PROJECT 365 - Day 190 -Beach Days and Fun Nights

It was a long, fun day up at the beach - the kids played with friends and the moms even got to go for a walk!  After heading home to shower and have dinner, we met back up with our friends for a fun night of margaritas and chatting for the adults and some play time for the kids. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 189 - Rainy Days and Ice Cream Sundays....

PROJECT 365 - Day 189 - Rainy Days and Ice Cream Sundays....

It seems like every time I turn around this summer, it is raining.  Or threatening to rain.  Or lightening.  Or thundering.  You get the idea.  So this evening when the dark clouds rolled in and the lightening and thunder started and the rain came pouring down, the only question that the kids had was, "Are we still going to the Skipper Dipper for ice cream?" .  You can see very clearly where their priorities lie.  I think I have mentioned on occasion my family's love of ice cream.  This was no joke.  "Daddy, should you drive over there?" (note the distance from the house to the ice cream place - that reddish building a few feet away)  "Daddy, are they open?"  (it is confusing when you don't see crowds of people standing outside the Skipper Dipper - but no they are not closed)  No worries - My Wonderful Husband was more than willing to risk getting wet or struck by lightening to hike the few feet across the street to get ice cream for our darling children. (oh and himself;-)....I am not as big of a fan of ice cream as the rest of this crowd.  There was a slight pause when I told the kids that he was willing to risk his life for the ice cream.  A slight pause.  "Be careful Daddy."   I told you - clear priorities.   His mission was successful even if my picture of his return was not quite as successful.  ;-) 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 188 - Pick up games

PROJECT 365 - Day 188 - Pick up games

Nerf soccer ball: about $10

Shovels used to make goals: not sure of the cost: the shovels have been around for years...

Pick up soccer games that attract dozens of kids: PRICELESS!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 187 - Drum Corps

PROJECT 365 - Day 187 - Drum Corps

Tonight we went to see our nephew perform with the Jersey Surf Drum and Bugle Corps.  The kids were thrilled to see their cousin perform and get to give the star hugs afterward!  It was a great show and it is obvious how hard these kids have been working.  We were so happy that we were able to show our support for our nephew and the rest of the Jersey Surf Drum and Bugle Corps!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 186 - Independence

PROJECT 365- Day 186 - Independence

I know they are getting bigger.  I go back and forth between enjoying the fact that they are getting bigger and not liking it one bit.  If you are a mommy you will understand that statement.  That being said, I try to give them some independence and try not to freak out about it when I do.  This summer, they have started riding their bikes around the side streets whereIcan'tseethem!  This is a big step for me, I mean get the idea.  They are absolutely fine.  They watch for cars and pay attention to what is around them and they totally love having the freedom to hop on their bikes and ride down to the bay and around the "neighborhood".  I can usually be found on the deck watching for them to return and wondering if I should go walk down the road and check on them.  The Princess started enjoying this new freedom and The Bear soon followed.  Tonight, The Boy asked to go with them on his scooter.  Gulp!  Me - "Will you watch for cars?" Him - "Yes, Mommy!"  Me - "Will you stay with your brother and sister?"  Him - "Yes, Mommy!" Me - "Ok - one time around and come back.".......And off they went.  All three of my babies enjoying independence.....  sniffle......   They are getting bigger. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 184 - Cars

PROJECT 365 - Day 184 - Cars

It rained this morning, so we had a lazy day.  We caught up on our reading and laundry and the kids found things to do inside.  The Bear found a perfect spot to set up a car track and raced his cars.  There were some unfortunate collisions with the dogs but they finally got the hint and moved out of the racing area. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 183 - One of the things....

PROJECT 365 - Day 183 -  One of the things....

One of the things I love about can pull out Hullaballu (that you haven't played in forever) after dinner and play on the rocks on the side of the house.  You can have a giggle fest and "do a funky dance".  Does life really get any better than that?  I'm pretty sure the answer is no. :-)

Friday, July 1, 2011

PROJECT 365 - Day 182 - Summers past and present.....

PROJECT 365 - Day 182 - Summers past and present....

A friend posted a link for a great photo idea.  Take a picture of the past in the present.  I loved it and was inspired to take my own picture from the past in the present.  This is a picture of Gigi and Poppy that I took the first summer we had the beach house.  

Dear Photograph,
Near the sea, we forget to count the days...