Saturday, February 17, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 48 - go to bed

P365 - 2018 - Day 48 - go to bed

He doesn't go to bed until we do.  But that doesn't stop him from letting us know how tired he is and how much he would like us to go to bed.  He needs his beauty sleep after all and these late night weekend nights are more than he can handle. tell those kids to go to sleep he pleads on Friday and Saturday nights. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 47 - This is me

P365 - 2018 - Day 47 - This is me

Have I mentioned how glad I am that I went back to my brown hair 5 years ago?  I don't know what I was thinking highlighting my hair.  This is me.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 46 - beautiful sunset

P365 - 2018 - Day 46 - beautiful sunset

I had a million things to do and I wasn't feeling my run at all tonight.  I did drag myself out though and I was rewarded with this beautiful sunset at the end of 8 miles.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 45 - double celebrations

P365 - 2018 - Day 45 - double celebrations

It was a day of double celebrations - the 100th Day of School also fell on Valentine's Day.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of my three favorite valentines nor did I get to spend the day with my number 1 valentine.  But I did make this really cool 100th day watch face....  Happy 100th Day of School!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 44 - no small accomplishment

P365 - 2018 - Day 44 - no small accomplishment

Congrats to these two freshman on another marking period on the honor roll.  With a schedule of honors classes, this is no small accomplishment.  Super proud of all of their hard work!

Monday, February 12, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 43 - without fail

P365 - 2018 - Day 43 - without fail

Every year, without fail, I leave some decoration out from Christmas by accident.  Sometimes I notice right away, sometimes it takes me a while,  This time, it took until February 12th.  These candle holders were in plain sight in the bathroom but somehow none of noticed them for the more than a month since I put Christmas decorations away?! 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 42 - the elements

P365 - 2018 - Day 42 - the elements

I managed to get my long run in yesterday before the rain but still had a short run left to do today.  So I threw on a rain jacket and a hat and braved the elements because once you're wet, there's no wetter than wet. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 41 - These twins

P365 - 2018 - Day 41 - These twins

These twins cleaned up very nicely to go the Winter formal at SRHS. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 40 - honor roll

P365 - 2018 - Day 40 - honor roll

Second marking period ended with another honor roll for The Boy.  I am so proud of his hard work in 7th grade!!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 39 - Dr. Seuss door decorating

P365 - 2018 - Day 39 - Dr. Seuss door decorating

With Read Across America approaching as well as parent teacher conferences, our school decided on a Dr. Seuss door decorating extravaganza!   I was really happy with the way mine came out. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 38 - smile

P365 - 2018 - Day 38 - smile

This girl can be silly...she was pretty excited to head to practice tonight and see her teammates.  Why the sunglasses at night?  No one knows.... But I was happy to see her bright smile to go with them. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 37 - a regular

P365 - 2018 - Day 37 - a regular

This is my Tuesday "home away from home".  After dropping The Boy at his practice, then The Bear at his practice, I head into the library to wait for them both while getting work done.  I am becoming a regular there...I even have a preferred table. 

Monday, February 5, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 36 - accurate

P365 - 2018 - Day 36 - accurate

I try to use this blog to impart wisdom in the hopes that my children will read it and learn from it.  Sometimes that wisdom comes in the way of a meme - don't judge.  This one was accurate. 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 35 - Super Plunge

P365 - 2018 - Day 35 - Super Plunge

The Princess and The Bear each had tournaments today, so it was just The Boy at the Super Plunge.  The rain held out just long enough for this crazy guy, his friend and the other hundred or so crazy people to jump in the ocean. 

P365 - 2018 - Day 34 - nails

P365 - 2018 -  Day 34 - nails

I had so many things to do but I wasn't feeling it and I hadn't done my nails in FOREVER!  So, instead of the 573 things on my To Do list, I gave myself a mani and pedi instead. 

P365 - 2018 - Day 33 - illustration

P365 - 2018 - Day 33 - illustration

This is what happens when you go out for dinner with friends and you do not take one photo!  You need an illustration instead!   It was a fun night out with friends for some sushi, chatting and laughs.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

P365 - 2018 - Day 32 - Help a girl out

P365 - 2018 - Day 32 - Help a girl out

Maybe I need to put these guys away if I want to encourage the Groundhog to not see his shadow tomorrow....hmm  Come on Phil, I really want an early spring.  Help a girl out.