P365 - 2013 - Day 138 - always been fun
Today was our last Scotland soccer Saturday. Both teams have one more game, but today was the last Saturday of games. No matter how excited we are for our move, how much we know it is the right thing for our family, how much I am done with certain things... soccer has always been fun. We have been completely immersed in Scotland soccer for several years now - I have been the athletic director for the program for the past three years. My Wonderful Husband has coached k-1 teams, 2-3 teams, and 4-5 teams. He has coached 2 teams for the past three years, fall and spring seasons, with one season of coaching a third team when no one else could do it. I am so glad that My Wonderful Husband has been able to coach our kids for as long as he has. I am going to brag (it's my blog so I can) - My Wonderful Husband is an outstanding coach! Not only does he know the game and played for most of his life - he is a born teacher and leader and has been able to bring out the best in every player that he coached. He has taught them the skills of the game but so much more. He has taught them how to be a team. He has taught them how to work together, trust each other, think, win with class and lose graciously. He has taught them more than how to play - he has taught them to play to have fun - because if you are having fun, the rest comes easy. We have had the privilege to be able to coach lots of different children over the years and the pleasure of watching those children grow and improve their skills and the game. Whether they have won or lost, these kids have always gone out there and played with heart and love of the game and they have always been fun to watch. Next fall will bring some changes to our soccer life. The Bear wants to move on and try out for a travel team, The Boy and The Princess are deciding trying out for travel or playing rec another year - but that will mean we may be going in multiple directions. That's a reality we knew was coming and a step we know the kids are ready to take but it will be different for sure. I am thankful we had these years of soccer Saturdays together.
*Nothing is ever really lost to us as long we remember it. - L. M. Montgomery*